View Full Version : Lack of coordination! Really scares me!

15-08-11, 06:12
Hello again everyone, I am so thankful I found this site!

Ever since June 28th, when I had that "episode" of waking up with that horrible SEVERE off balance, lightheadedness, SPACED OUT DETACHED feeling ...... I can't get rid of it ..... ! Some days are better than others ..... but, I've never had it like this!

Here's the thing: I've been noticing lately, a few times, that when I went to itch one hand, with the other, that my hand MISSED the other one .... so, in other words, as I was going to use my right hand to scratch the left, it was as if my right and left hand, didn't connect right away!!!! It really scared me! I had to stop for a moment, and look ... and THEN i could do it .... now, this just happened again, something similar anyway ............. I was sitting here watching a movie, and I went to scratch the right side of my head, just above the ear area ..........Okay, as my right hand approached my head area, instead of my hand going RIGHT TO the area to scratch (like normal), I ended up smacking into my ear! .... my question is, can your equilibrium do this? If I am dealing with an inner ear infection, can that happen?

I just don't want to think it's a brain tumor ..... and you just know, that's what's happening~ even as I sit here right now, adn type this.........I feel so whacked out, SO detached, SO spaced out ..... my fingers don't seem to be doing this right, and yet obviously I am ..... but, I feel very ODD.... I keep typing the wrong buttons , as if my sense of where things are, where the correct buttons are ............ is off. I am very weird right now............... I know bad anxiety can cause this too .......

I remember back in 2007, a year after perimenopause first began for me....... I was laying on the couch one day, napping .... I began to wake up, and felt an itch on my leg....I was laying on my side, and I went to itch my leg ....... okay, it freaked me out, because my hand, couldn't find my leg! ........ seriously. I mean, it was like I was sort of groping around to find my leg! That scared the daylights out of me! That never happ.d again, nor has anything like that ever happened ...... UNTIL NOW .......until, AFTER JUNE 28th!, when I had that lovely morning episode! Since then, I've been off balance every day, feeling whacked out, very detached, and just plain strange ... not normal in the head. I was fine while watching the movie just now........then, all of a sudden, when I went to itch my head, and my hand slammed into my ear instead.......I got very weird,...probably from fear ........ I became EXTREMELY DETACHED, SURREAL, and I'm sitting here like that now....... I can type "alright", but I can tell, it's as if my brain is going very fast, and my fingers can't keep up ....
so I keep typing the wrong letters and have to go back and correct it........IS THIS ANXIETY? I can assure you, IT IS NOW! Because I'm sitting here panicking!

DOES ANYONE ELSE EVER HAVE THIS? ... can your equilibrium being "off" (say from either an inner ear infection, or anxiety) cause you to misjudge the "pathway" your hand should take to scratch your head, and slam into your ear instead? Or,.......go to scratch your leg (like what happ.d in 2007) and not be able to have your hand connect with your leg, unless you purposely look and do it delibrately? Like I said, that never happened again..........UNTIL NOW!

It's like when you've had to many drinks, and you feel whoozie, spaced out, TOTALLY DETACHED AND SURREAL, and if you stretch your arms out horizontally and close your eyes, and try to touch your nose with your fingertips, you can't ..... you end up touching your cheek or something ...well, that's what is happening. Again, this isn't all the time, it's once and a while....but it just happened now, and it freaked me out badly ...

I just need to have some support here, and some info.!


15-08-11, 12:33
Hi Snowwhite, i have the same off balance feelings as u but i feel a rush in my head (a kind of pressure) and then this affects my balance and i walk to the left like a crab! Not a good thing in the middle of a supermarket! It could just be a middle ear infection, mine started as a bad attack of vertigo ten years ago, and just developed into anxiety! I don't have problems with co ordination with my arms, i just feel generally whoozy and off balance and "spaced out" and as if the floor is a strange distance away!! Really weird and i won't go out on my own or drive! I have just started citalopram so i am hopin this will help me but if i were u i would get to the docs and get referred to an ENT specialist who will check your ears and balance.
Hope this helps.