View Full Version : Constantly tired :-(

15-08-11, 07:41
Just wondering if anyone else feels constantly tired, I can sleep for about 8 sometimes more hours a night if I'm not working but I'm still exhausted. I've woken up today and my throats hurting me. I'm just so low from feeling like this all the time. X

15-08-11, 07:45
Funny you just post this. I was just telling my wife that im always tired no matter if I do little or alot.I guess the anxiety just drains us or maybe if you have depression it does.I have both.Hope you feel better soon.

15-08-11, 08:54
Just wondering if anyone else feels constantly tired, I can sleep for about 8 sometimes more hours a night if I'm not working but I'm still exhausted. . X


As i am now on a high dose Mirtazapine 90mg nocte, its effect still lingering in my blood stream the following day.

Well, during weekend, I sleep at 9.30pm, wake up at 11am...:ohmy:

I am a chronic insomniac, can't sleep with any sedating medication, but, also having Hypersomnia during the daytime, characterised by feeling of tired, sleepy, low mood, even....washing up dishes seems so heavy to me at one stage.

I realised this even before I was put on Mirtazapine.

I discussed with my Psychiatrist, about, augmenting with a little dose of stimulants like Ritalin 10mg, or Dexamphetamine 5mg, or 100mg of Modafinil.

But he is reluctant, bcoz I am diagnosed as having anxiety, and Panic, with Depression.

in 1998, while I was still a TAOIST, I experienced supranatural things like, seeing vision, etc

So my Psychiatrist diagnosed me also as having Schizoaffective Disorder.

This hypersomnia still bothering me till now.
Always happens in daytime.

But, when it's time to sleep at nite, I get insomnia.

So, the diagnose was at that time a secondary one. As my real diagnosis is Anxiety and Panic Disorder.

Until now, I still carry 2 tabs of 0.5mg Xanax, in case Panic Strike while I am out of home.

It's been lucky for me, that I could learn more about Psychiatrical and Mental Illness, via online Medscape Education.

( It's part of therapy too, as it opens up my mind to know, the nature of the illness.)

And it's been lucky, I could take Neuropharmacology, coz at that time, I started to have my first symptom of anxiety

I hope this info is useful.

Kind regards and God bless,

15-08-11, 17:42
You're not alone :)
I feel tired all the time, even though i get 8 hours sleep each night.
Hope you feel better. x

16-08-11, 03:36
You're not alone :)
I feel tired all the time, even though i get 8 hours sleep each night.
Hope you feel better. x

Does the Doc prescribes you with something to help this condition?

16-08-11, 13:10
I get this as well, i am always very tired and seem to lack energy, it must be anxiety!!

26-08-11, 07:13
I discussed with my psychiatrist, that certain Antidepressants could cause lethargy, feeling tired, all the days.

I brought up the subject, that, in USA, Psychiatrists are using a bit a , say a pro-drug such as Vyvanse ( Lisdexamphetamine), which is less likely to be abused, as it has to be broken down into Lysine and then amphetamine. ( I said to him, just a tiny bit during the day, say, maybe a quarter or less than those used for children with ADHD.)

Well, if say Ritalin 10mg, here in Australia comes in a pack of 30 tabs.
Dexamphetamine 5 mg, comes in a bottle of 100.

( And the regulation here, the Docs cannot divide the quantity. Well, if there is, it maybe 1 in 100 docs)

So most Psychiatric meds here, comes in quantities like at least 30 tabs up to 200tabs even with 5 repeats.

But, well, he refused.

i guess i got to endure this.

Maybe different countries has a different opinion regarding prescribing Schedule 8 medications.