View Full Version : Hi,my name is David

15-08-11, 08:27

My name is David. Originated from Sumatra Island in Indonesia. But has moved to Sydney to become Resident, with my parents and sis.

Since 1994, I have been suffering from Panic Disorder and anxiety.

I was a TAOIST, and used to meditate, and experienced "things-from other dimension".

But in 1994 I was baptised as a Christian.

I am serving God in Church, by playing keyboard.
( well, Music is also part of the therapy.)

I am very discipline with my exercises and my diet.

I do :
-Aerobic kind of training ( I play badminton, and jogging, just to flush out those by-product-toxin out from sweating)

-Resistance training ( I go to fitness centre, and use the equipments there)

-Relaxation technique, this I do it every night, by stretching, (and as I was a TAOIST, I know about exercise called " Shen-kung" where the chinese Deities, with cloudy -like-tongue, moved my hands, and meditation, until I had reach up to a stage , where....strange...as if my soul was in the swimming pool, it moved freely, but I was meditating, and I learnt the Mantras of how to protect myself from " those bad guys " in my country, who often ask and threatened me.

Bu t now I am a commited Christian.

The medications, in 1994, which I used ( at that time SSRIs/SNRIs, NaSSA, or other Atypical antidepressants were not in the Pharmacy, yet., so my Psychiatrist put me on, ( by trial and erroe to find which one was suitable to me) :

-Imipramine ( I found it good for long term therapy for Panic Disorder)

-Desipramine ( which is an active metabolite of Imipramine, but, works mainly as a Noradrenaline Re-uptake inhibitor, unlike its parent drug, Imipramine, which involves Serotonin, Noradrenaline and Dopamine)


-Nortriptyline ( also an active metabolite from its parent drug, Amitriptyline, and works mainly, on Noradrenaline)

-Trimipramine ( this is the only TCA which doesn't affect REM sleep, and has a slight antipsychotic effect)

-Doxepin ( good for sleep and pruritus, and works mainly on Noradrenaline)

- Clomipramine ( works more on Serotonin, used for OCD and Phobias, but, I developed a hand tremor, so my doc stopped it).

I took B.Appl.Sc ( Neuropharmacology), the futher my study to Nutrition and Dietetics, also Dipl ( analytical Chemistry), Pastoral Counselling, and right now, i am still undertaking online Exams for Doctors and Healthcare Professionals, who want to further their knowledge in Psychiatry and Mental Ilness.

Currently, I work in hospital.

After SSRIs/SNRIs etc came to the maarket here in Australia, my Doc changed it to each one of them to see which one is suitable.

So I also tried :

-SSRI : Fluoxetine, Paroxetine, Sertaline, Citalopram, and Fluvoxamine.

- SNRIs : effexor-XR ,Pritiq, and Duloxetine ( Milnacipran is an SNRI, but unavailable here)

- NaSSA : Mirtazapine, which is related to TCA called Mianserin.

-Moclobemide, which is a RIMA ( Reversible inhibitor of Monoamine) which, if used according to the therapeutic dosage, 600mg at maximum, NO dietary restriction is necessary.


I am now, on Mirtazapine, quite a high dose, been 3 yrs on it at 90 mg at nite.
Also Clonazepam 2mg ( it's an active metabolite of Nitrazepam under the name of Mogadon, a hypnotic, and Clonazepam has a very long half-life to about 39 hrs, but depending on the each individual, too).

And my Doc, prescribes me Alpazolam, 0.5mg, which I always carry on my pocket, in case Panic Attack strikes me. ( Usually put it under the tongue/sublingually, to get absorped faster)

And also Tramadol 200mg SR, taken on prn dose ( as needed basis.)

I had tried most Benzodiazepines,
-Diazepam ( as for me, it didn't work well as Alprazolam)

- Lorazepam

-Oxazepam ( this effect is so mild, it takes an effect about 1-2 hours, and last in the body for 6 hrs or less.

- Tranxene ( Potassium Clorazepate, it worked well for me, but been discontinued since 1997)

- Clobazam ( it 's Frisium, less sedating I find it.)

-Bromazepam ( Lexotan)... works ok... but here it's expensive as not covered by PBS.

Well that's about me, and there are lots more, which i can write.

Kind regards and God bless,

15-08-11, 08:31
Hi Davevanza

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

15-08-11, 12:56
Hiya and welcome to NMP I hope you find the help and advice here and maybe make a few friends in the process


15-08-11, 13:13
Hi Dave,

Welcome to the site!

Wow you have been through a lot of medications, I hope you have finally found one for you that helps.

Hope you find all the support you need here.

Emily xxx