View Full Version : Suffering from health anxiety?

15-08-11, 09:53
Hi, I am new to this forum so not sure if I'm doing this right. I'm a 20 year old female, quite fit and eat healthy. However about 3 months ago I suffered a severe ear infection which caused me to temporally loose hearing in my right ear, this infection made my face go numb and even what felt like parts of my body. I had my ear syringed a week after infection started and all seemed well. I went on holiday with my friends to Ibiza however didn't feel myself, I was light headed all the tome, feeling as though I would pass put at any given moment. I had headaches, tingling hands and feet an chills! About a week after coming home I had what appeared to be my first panic attack, I was taken p hospital as I feared I couldn't breath or swallow! Doctor said he thinks it is down to anxiety, all my blood tests came back negative and re doctor cleared me of any chest problems after some excersices. Since this experience things have only gotten worse, I am experiencing daily headaches, numbness in my legs and tingling/pins and needles. So far o have diagnosed myself with an anurism, brain tumour, lung cancer due to my aching neck, back and shoulders. My muscles ache almost everyday and I struggle to sleep throughout night. Someone please help me!! I just want to feel normal again. Also I am 3 days late for my period, I know I am not pregnant, can anxiety cause this? Any help would be appreciated, thanks!!

15-08-11, 10:22
Hi Tbar20,

Firstly, welcome to the site. You have come to the riht place & will get all the support you need here.

I completely understand what you're going through & it's not nice. I too suffer from health anxiety & panic & have worried myself sick I have all kinds of nasty illnesses. You are not going mad & do not have a terrible undiagnosed disease - all these symptoms are anxiety unfortunately. Plus as you are due on, I always find that heightens my anxiety & makes me feel worse.

Rest is the best medicine.

I hope you feel better hun.

Emily xxx

15-08-11, 11:57
Thanks for your reply Emily! It's nice to know that o am not goig through this alone. I just can't seem to get my head around all these problems not being something more serious, it's like a circle, I feel normal but then as soon as I feel something wrong with me I Start getting anxious making it worse. I'm trying to relax. I go away with my family for two weeks this week so hopefully a nice relaxing time away from work and other stresses will help me! I'm even considering joining my mom at yoga haha! Whatever helps I suppose. Thanks again xx

15-08-11, 13:32
I know! I'm exactly the same.
I don't feel normal unless I'm worrying about something lol.
A holiday is just what you need, hope you have a lovely time.

Yoga is great - I do it on the wii fit, so relaxing...I used to laugh at it before!
