View Full Version : Newbie, just introducing myself

08-05-06, 19:37
Hi all, I've not read through any posts properly as yet, but am already figuring this could well be a friendly place for me to be at :)

I've just joined, after searching to see if hypnosis could be a solution to any of my problems...so any f/b on hypnosis and success stories (or failures!) would be a great start.

Long story short...I'm a single parent, the last 5 years have been horrendous, to put it mildly. Its my children that actually keep me going.

Theres a lot I need to forget...from a failed marriage, past short term relationships, to a termination and a very recent long term relationship breakup from an alcoholic [B)]

I need to sort out each bad memory one by one, but dont know where the devil to start!

One minute I think I am strong, and can cope...the next minute I feel totally overwhelmed by everything that has gone on in my life [Sigh...]

Hopefully on here, I can chat to people who may be able to help :)

Thanks for listening xxx

08-05-06, 19:40
Hi There

Welcome. I have only been a member for a day adn already this site is helping me tonnes.

Good luck

Katie XXX

08-05-06, 19:49
Hi there - Ihave been a member for a few days and love the site. I suffer panic attacks and am awaiting my first hypnotherapy session in a couple of weeks. Seems all the hypnotherapists in my area are really busy treating people like me so you see - we are many sufferers together - and this site is so friendly and helpful. I check the forums every day and there is a chat room too which is fun!!

Good luck and welcome on board. Wenjoy x

08-05-06, 20:09
Hiya Katie and Wenjoy, thanks for your replies :)

I've spotted a hypnotherapist, Wenjoy, which I like the "look" and "sound" of, so I am tempted to call to see if he can help.

I have tried councelling, not long after my termination, but I found it an awful experience...maybe it was the councellor, maybe it was me and my frame of mind at the time, I dont know, but it didnt help me one iota :(

I'll keep you posted, and I hope your hynotherapy session goes well Wenjoy.


08-05-06, 20:23
so glad you came across us. just hollar if you need help

hypnosis didnt work for me, but i really do believe anythings worth a try but it can be very expensive thats the only thing

maybe you will be a success you never know, i know many on this site reccomend it, but i truly believe only we ourselves can change the way we think



08-05-06, 20:34
Hell and welcome!

Shiv x

08-05-06, 21:01
Hi and welcome

I used to do hypnotherapy too - read this .....

How Hypnotherapy can help with Panic Attacks, Anxiety, Phobias and OCD. (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/NMPcms.php?nmppage=hypnotherapy)

Hope we can be of some help to you.


Two heads
08-05-06, 21:07
Welcome!I hope we will all be able to surport you in your most needed times.xxx

May Day
08-05-06, 21:45
Hi and welcome

You've come to the right place to find help and make friends ... there's loads of useful information here to help you and i'm sure you'll soon settle in here ... it sounds like you have a lot of issues to work through and i wish you luck with them ... the best place to start is usually at the beginning but failing that try starting with the problem that bothers you the most

good luck


The brightest, sunniest day may follow the darkest, stormiest night ... enjoy the sun

08-05-06, 22:03
Hi, this is a great site. You will find lots of people to support you and it is very informative. I've found a lot of reassurance here. Take care


'This too will pass'

existential crisis
08-05-06, 22:26
Hey Prune - Just a message to say Hi...there is a wealth of info on this site, and some cool people too! Clare. xxx

*I think, therefore I am.*

08-05-06, 22:30
Hi there. I've only been a member for a week or so. I've suffered from anxiety and depression in the past and am coming off medication at the moment. This seems like a great site.
Take care

marie ross
09-05-06, 00:02
Hi prunejuice!!!!

Welcome to this site, hopefully you will get a lot of use out of it, like i have, and i hope the next 5 years will be a lot kinder to you.

Take care.

Marie XXX

09-05-06, 08:40

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends.

Take care
Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

Blue Child
09-05-06, 10:12
Hiya Prunejuice!!
So glad you have found us...great site and great people. It is lovely to feel part of a thriving community where you feel cared for and you know that everyone feels for you. So I hope that you feel as supported as I do and make as many friends as I have...also the wealth of information here is fantastic...so enjoy!
Take care,

09-05-06, 18:30
Hi Prunejuice

Welcome to the forum. I've had hypnotherapy and found it very helpful for my social phobia which was very severe and I am still continuing to make progress with this. I would definitely recommend it.

You might find the following information helpful:

First Steps (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/default.asp?t=cms&c=firststeps)

Symptoms (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/default.asp?t=cms&c=symptoms)

Links post: Links to posts about Common Problems (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=7784)

You will find a lot of help and support here.


Happiness is not a state to arrive at but a manner of travelling.

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough ~ Christine Cagney, Cagney & Lacey

09-05-06, 19:14
howdy!! this is my first day too! still learning my way around! and already finding this site is lifting my spirits!(and half a diazepam)typical !ha ha!
hope u start to feel better soon x


09-05-06, 19:24
Welcome P-J

I bet you'll find this site helpful - there are some really lovely people here who will understand what you're going through!!:D

Look forward to seeing you around the boards..

good luck xxx


Fee xxxxxx

Why live life anticipating the bad things when you could be anticipating the good?
Good and bad things WILL happen!

09-05-06, 21:51

Welcome to the forum.

You will find lots of help & support on here.

Take Care


Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

10-05-06, 03:33

I know you will come to love this site as I do. Please join the chatroom as there is loads of information and fun in there at all times.


10-05-06, 19:21
Thank you so much to everyone who has taken the time to welcome me to this site :D

I'm feeling a bit of a mess right now, and knowing there are people out there who I can chat to is really comforting.


10-05-06, 19:51
Omigod!!!!!!!!!!!! I was just reading through this thread and have just realised that I said "HELL and welcome"! I'm sooooo sorry prunejuice, obviously I meant HELLOOOOOO!

I'm doing this a lot lately, perhaps I AM mad!! lol.

Shiv x

10-05-06, 20:26
PMSL Shiv :D That thoroughly cheered me up...plus, its the sort of thing I do too [8)]

(I didnt notice anyway, am not the most observant person going lol!)

xxx [^]

14-05-06, 08:58
Hi Karen

Do you know what sort of hypnotherapy you had? Was it suggestion therapy or analytical therapy?

I have just started a course of analytical hypnotherapy, where they go back into your past and find the root of your problems, (I have had 2 sessions so far) and am just desperately worried that it isn't going to work as it seems my only hope of ever having a normal life. There doesn't seem to be any reason why it wouldn't work and my therapist seems to think it is going ok, it is just my own worry, I can't stop thinking about it and am constantly suicidal.

My problem is a form of social anxiety. I am frightened of eating infront of people, worried that they will laugh at what I am eating or think it is strange, i get really embarassed. I am also frightened of certain foods. This makes me worry even more because I think 'what if people want to go and eat somewhere where I don't like the food'. I would be so ashamed that I didn't like it and even when I do like the food I panic and I can't swallow anything. I can't have a relationship or go on holiday because I worry about food so much. I am ashamed and worried because I think the foods I eat are somehow 'wrong' even though deep down I know I just eat normal stuff. I think I should be more adventurous in my tastes. I can't even think what it is normal to eat or what other people eat!! I really feel like I am going mad. I am desperate and suicidal as I just want to be normal and live a normal life.

With this hypnotherapy I just worry that there will be something about me that stops it working or that I won't be able to do it. I haven't been to work since Christmas, I have had to leave my house and go and live with my mum and I really just want to be dead. I am up at 4am every morning and go walking for hours. I am having no life and I am only 29.

Please can someone give me some feedback. Am I completely alone, I find it hard to believe there may be other people in the world who have some of the same feelings as me. Has anyone else been successful with hypnotherapy?

I am sorry this is such a long post and thank you to anyone who takes the time to read it. Please, please can someone help me, I am desperate and would really appreciate any feedback.

Love to everyone

Sarah x

14-05-06, 09:05
Hi Karen

Do you know what kind of hypnotherapy you had? Was it suggestion therapy or analytical therapy?

I have just started a course of analytical hypnotherapy, where they go back into your past and find the root of your problems (I have had 2 sessions so far) and am just desperately worried that it isn't going to work as it seems my only hope of ever having a normal life. There doesn't seem to be any reason why it wouldn't work and my therapist seems to think it is going ok, it is just my own worry, I can't stop thinking about it and am constantly suicidal.

My problem is a form of social anxiety. I am frightened of eating infront of people, worried that they will laugh at what I am eating or think it is strange, i get really embarassed. I am also frightened of certain foods. This makes me worry even more because I think 'what if people want to go and eat somewhere where I don't like the food'. I would be so ashamed that I didn't like it and even when I do like the food I panic and I can't swallow anything. I can't have a relationship or go on holiday because I worry about food so much. I am ashamed and worried because I think the foods I eat are somehow 'wrong' even though deep down I know I just eat normal stuff. I think I should be more adventurous in my tastes. I can't even think what it is normal to eat or what other people eat!! I really feel like I am going mad. I am desperate and suicidal as I just want to be normal and live a normal life.

With this hypnotherapy I just worry that there will be something about me that stops it working or that I won't be able to do it. I haven't been to work since Christmas, I have had to leave my house and go and live with my mum and I really just want to be dead. I am up at 4am every morning and go walking for hours. I am having no life and I am only 29.

Please can someone give me some feedback. Am I completely alone, I find it hard to believe there may be other people in the world who have some of the same feelings as me. Has anyone else been successful with hypnotherapy.

I am sorry this is such as long post and thank you to anyone who takes the time to read it. Please, please can someone help me, I am desperate and would really appreciate any feedback.

Love to everyone

Sarah x

16-05-06, 06:17

Welcome to the site. It will give you loads of support. We have met in the chat:)

Take care.x


19-05-06, 17:30
Welcome to NMP!

07-06-06, 10:42
hi and welcome