View Full Version : Help I'm completely freaking out

15-08-11, 10:55
Last night I awoke and couldn't move either of my arms, I had a massive panic and after sitting up for a few minutes i was able to move them. I'm presuming I slept funny? (Im scared of stroke, but i could talk and smile fine) But today after waking this morning both my arms and legs feel weak and weird, I'm not sure if its because I'm focusing on them? I keep going into complete panics over it :( I can walk around and type and use my arms and legs but it feels weird. Help :(

15-08-11, 11:02
It's probably a combination of everything - you slept funny so your arms felt numb (I do that all the time) then you panicked about it which made it worse & now you are focusing on it which will def heighten any sensation.
Try & think about something else (i know it's hard at the time), go for a walk or put your favourite tunes on....anything to take the focus off of it.

Hope you feel better.

Emily xxx

15-08-11, 13:45
You are not alone - this is a funny after the event story about my uncle. He had a habit of sleeping with both arms above his head on the pillow and one night he woke up with his arms down and he could not move either of them, he panicked ( and he didn't have ha) and screamed at his sleeping wife to phone an ambulance as he had had a stroke while asleep. My poor aunty still 99% asleep was rushing around trying to find the phone when she realised that he was shouting at her! so she got him to move his legs etc and said no way have you had a stroke as its only your arms - by then he had got violent pins and needles in his arms as the feeling came back.

The next time it happened he kept stum!

15-08-11, 13:51
Sleep paralized , when you sleep your body shuts down except for your brain lungs heart and sex organs lol, so you don't act out your dreams, or sleep walk lol
So your brain can wake up before your body , it can a while before you can move : ) happens me a lot it's always scary but the best thing is just breath slow until you can move again : )

15-08-11, 14:05
i got bad episodes of this last year, i woke up crying because i wasnt able to move, then i had a panic attack x

Gemma T
15-08-11, 14:46
Sounds like you were paralysed by fear to me. I had a horrible dream that a poltergeist pinned me to my bed. In my dream i was fighting to move my arm away and grab my phone which is always under my pillow. I woke up in a hot sweat and my phone in my hand. Dreams are one of those funny hocus pocus type things our body does and im sure thats all it was x x x