View Full Version : Can't stand this anymore :(

15-08-11, 13:00
So since April/May I've had on/off headaches on my left temple.
Its just a brief ache that comes and goes after 2 seconds and I've noticed it usually happens when I'm tired.
Occassionally I get pains on the top of my head too, not a headache just a dull kind of pain that last for a few minutes, it's really scaring me each time I get one because I keep thinking I have a tumor thats going undiagnoised.
Would I have more symptoms if it had been carrying on for 4-5 months?
I feel great other than the occassional headache I get.

15-08-11, 13:34
Hi miniholly,

It sounds like a tension/stress headache to me - & I bet it's more noticable now becasue you're focusing on it.
I suffered from headaches for weeks - turns out I needed glasses & it was also a tension headache from being anxious all the time.
I f I was you I would book in to see your doc & your optician just to put your mind at rest. I know it did me.

Emily xxx

15-08-11, 15:59
I've been to the opticians a few times this year and the only thing they've found is dry eyes, which is a relief I guess but still cant help but think I have a brain tumor :( its making me so miserable, the other night I was mentally planning my funeral as crazy as that sounds

15-08-11, 16:27
I have dry eyes too (from the Prozac I take)
And opticians can pick up things like brain tumours so you do not have a tumour!!!! Keep saying it to yourself until you believe it.
It doesn't sound mental, I do it too - we must both be nuts xxx

15-08-11, 16:27
PS The opticians told me to use Systane artificial tears xxx

15-08-11, 16:56
Hi. I recently went to my doctor re headaches and tumours. He told me that in our head is a muscle like a hand covering your brain and when we get stressed about things it gets tense and hurts, causing tension headaches. I told him I was worried it might be a tumour and he told me if I'd had a tumour for all that time I wouldn't be able to lift my head as the brain is inside our skull and if there was a tumour in there the pressure on the tiny space would be so great that we would be passing out, vomiting and unable to move head or get on with daily life. Hope this helps xxx