View Full Version : Painless mouth ulcers

Gemma T
15-08-11, 13:48
Is it normal to have painless mouth ulcers? I didnt know i got them until my dentist told me.

It makes me so worried because i already think i have oral cancer. They are under my tongue and tiny. I have a few scattered here and there.

Would oral cancer show up as tiny scattered ulcers or one big one?

Please help! I have dentist wednesday and it seems so long away.

I know my mum gets them all the time but still cant help the worrying. And my cbt is taking forever to come through :(

Thank you for reading x x x

15-08-11, 15:49
I get painless lumps inside my mouth. Mostly inside my cheeks and above/under my lips, so i am hoping it's normal.

15-08-11, 16:36
Hey Gemma,

Oh no are you still worrying about mouth cancer?? I have all sorts of lumps & bumps in my mouth. I am sure it is because you are focusing on them more so are noticing things that normally you wouldn't. I do it all the time about things.

I hope the dentist can put your mind at rest on Weds.
Good luck!!

Emily xxx

Gemma T
15-08-11, 17:09
lol yeh im still worrying away. My health anx has always been very specific. I like to concentrate on one area so until i get to the bottom of this i will have to bend everyones ear on a regular basis.

My apologise's in advance lol

x x x

15-08-11, 17:10
Well that's what we're here for..I am sure we can get you back in the future lol!


Gemma T
15-08-11, 17:17
lol feel free to.

Even if i cant relate im always here to listen x x x

15-08-11, 17:19
Bless you xxx
Now stop worrying madam & have a nice night xxx

Gemma T
15-08-11, 17:31
You too beautiful

Will try to stop the worrying x x x

15-08-11, 18:12
I dont know if this will help but when i really run myself down i get lots of mouth ulcers and they are never sore, i just come across them.. recently seem to keep getting a sore one on my tongue though but god knows why.. tbh it didnt worry me. Hth xx

Gemma T
15-08-11, 18:17
Thanks for your re assurance. Im sure im causing them as well. Plus a side effect of giving up smoking is ulcers.

The key is to breathe and reboot x x x

28-08-12, 00:38
Gemma - I can relate as I have the same things - 2-3 small ulcer spots on the floor of my mouth. I just recently went through a breast cancer scare (after diagnostic mammogram and ultra-sound - happy to report - no breast cancer) I have been under tremendous stress for the last year (just got back to work after being out of work for 10 months, then the breast issue, money, etc. I have a number of small things happening in my body - tension headache (feels like maybe a sinus headache), mouth is very dry and have these small ulcers under my tongue and the inside of my mouth is very pale and the bottom of my mouth is whitish looking. I also had several (10-15) pinpoint size "red dots" appear over my stomach, legs and arms. This all started on Friday (today is Monday) and I have scared myself silly after reading information on the internet. I am female, 51 yrs old, quit smoking 19 yrs ago and don't drink. I do have Hasimoto's Disease (Autoimmune Disease - had my thyroid removed due to benign tumors 14 yrs ago. I am convinced that I have oral cancer and am terrified. I am in a panic and cannot calm down. I have NO insurance - medical or dental. Please any advise would be helpful!! Thanks!!!!

19-06-13, 20:51
Hey I know this thread is ancient but this is exactly what's freaking me out right now! I have one little ulcer looking thing that doesn't hurt under my tongue and I'm in total panic mode. Any replies would help massively! xx

19-06-13, 21:32
Hi Gemma

Just wanted to say if your dentist pointed them out then I'm sure they aren't anything to worry about. They are trained to look for anything worrying so I'm sure if your dentist thought for one minute it was anything concerning they would have told you and done more investigations.

Try not to worry I get mouth ulcers on and off all the time, sometimes they are really painful sometimes not, to be honest I think it depends where they are in your mouth.

take care x

19-06-13, 22:13
Hey, I think it must have shown up as Gemma who posted that. I'm not Gemma but just wanted to say thanks for replying! I spotted the old post reading through people's mouth scares and it matched my current worry. I hope it just goes away. My mouth is really getting me down. It's one thing after another! Thanks again for replying. x