View Full Version : Sleep - calm in the day but anxious at night

15-08-11, 13:59
Right so this is very weird. At night I get really anxious when trying to fall asleep. I think about things, get excited etc. However in the day I can find it really easy to fall asleep! Like i just know and trust myself to fall asleep. I am extremely calm and feel good. Its bliss...however its at the wrong time! Its like I can fall asleep well when im ont supposed to sleep. I have had this problem almost all my life! I wish I could have that type of 'day calmness' at night. What do you think it is?? is??

17-08-11, 00:16
I'm much the same too if I'm going through a bad patch. I think at night (especially if you live alone) it can be more of a frightening time, and let's face it if you can't sleep there's not a lot to do other than lie there thinking things over - also if you wake up in a panic it's dark. Whereas in the day, it's light, we feel secure, there's life going on around us, more to distract us. I also find at night the expectation/pressure to sleep can make it hard to, but in the day you're not under that pressure so it is easy to nap.

17-08-11, 00:39
I hate night time too. Dread it every night. Just the thought of laying there thinking and inevitably becoming hypervigilent with sensations. I could lay in until 12 though if I was left! Even closing my eyes is frightening on times.

17-08-11, 20:35
Ditto for me, except mine starts when it gets dark.. Anytime after eight. Sometimes fall asleep in front of tv, use it as a sort of distraction.

22-08-11, 07:43
Same here.

Although I don't like fallin asleep because I'm scared about not wakin too. I get thhese horrible sensations when fallin asleep and I have flashin lights when I close my eyes! Anyone else get this?
The dark scares me too. You feel sensations hear noises more etc.

Also I feel sick and have belly ache every mornin so its made me HATE the first hour of bein awake! So I'm going to sleep not only worried about how I feel at night but how I feel in the mornin!

I've notice I start to worry and feel ill at about 6 o clock onwards. Then when its bed time I feel quite depressed

03-09-11, 13:28
This happens to me also, it's horrible. I am anxious in the daytime but it's under control as soon as nightime comes I start to get very panicy and then once in bed trying to get to sleep panic starts taking over. I am barely sleeping and it's driving me mad now :-( x