View Full Version : Tingling in head??

15-08-11, 14:23

Another symptom i'm now experiencing is tingling sensations in my head.
Ive experienced pins & needles / tingling sensations in my arms, hands & feet with anxiety but this is the first time i've felt it in my head and its scaring me.

Does anyone else get this?


15-08-11, 14:38
I haven't had it in my head but have had it most other places!
I think it's most probably nothing and just another random symptom of anxiety.. That's what I try to tell myself every time something new comes along, still scary though so I know why you've gotten anxious but I think you're fine :)
When I've been hypnotised in the past ive felt tingly all over my body and face and head, it's strange what your body can produce! :/ x

Gemma T
15-08-11, 14:41
I wouldnt worry. Sounds like another symptom of anxiety. Ive had tingles and spasms everywhere inc my tongue and under my eye. Their not fun at all but nothing to worry about x x x

15-08-11, 16:38
I used to get it up the back of my head...so weird...but nothin to worry about.
just anxiety trying to get us again xxx

16-08-11, 01:13

I get this in my head to, it used to really scare me, but as iv tried to accept it, its not been as bad

mandie x

Deepest Blue
16-08-11, 01:20

Yes I have these symptoms as well where it feels like my head is so light then I start to get this strange tingly sensations and my head feels light but then it goes away. I've never really thought of it as a problem... Always thought it was some kind of head rush....