View Full Version : Newbie

15-08-11, 15:03

Seriously, I'd never thought I'd do this! I'm a depressive/anxious type, currently experiencing low mood, hopelessness, lack of motivation, tiredness and a strong desire to get back into bed every 5 minutes. The psychiatrist has cranked up my medication. Now I feel much less anxious than before, more kind of numb. I've experienced this all before, which is rather disheartening. My house has exploded around me - I now live in a disgusting, unclean, chaotic and ultimately very depressing environment. I've stopped washing clothes, putting clothes away, doing the dishes. I got made redundant at the start of the year. The resulting panic, which in my case leads to major avoidance, has created this depressive slump. Don't know what to do.. running out of money..feeling awfully blue. Wondering most of all why I find it so tremendously hard to wash even one solitary dish (though I do have to, when I need to eat!). It's hard. I see everything with a negative bias. I don't like being like this. Feel I'm one step away from being the mad, bearded lady with stacks of newspapers and lots of cats. So I hope this helps!!! I already do things to look after myself - eat well, take extra vitamins, exercise (which gives me some small purpose). Sleep lots, etc. What else is going to help?
Thanks!! Not much of an introduction!

15-08-11, 15:05
Hi zygfried

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

15-08-11, 16:20
I am so sorry to hear you are feeling so low at the moment.
First of all welcome to the site, it must have taken a lot to post on here in the first place. The hardest part is often facing up to your problems - which you have now done.

Have you been to the doctors about this? If not I strongly advise you do.
It took me a lot to go but I was so glad I did & to think I had been suffering for such a long time.
This site alone will help you as everyone has got their own problems/issues so we all understand, but you do need a proper diagnosis. I also recommend self help books - they've worked wonders for me. I never would have touched them before coming on here but they are fantastic.

I am not saying that it will be easy, but you can beat this.
Just read some of the success stories on here, some people thought they would never get out of that hole but they have & so can you.

Emily xxx

15-08-11, 16:47
Hi Ziegfried:)
heck I know those feelings well ..............the more chaotic my environment became ......the more out of control and deadened I became . and I just could not begin to start clearing it ............no motivation and tired beyond belief .It is I believe a signal to our weary minds .
Eventually I made myself a pact I would do one thing every day .........clean up a little .......walk a small way ........and start some sewing . ten minutes max .
hated it :mad:..............but lengthened the time and got some results which spurred me on a bit . guess it is pushing ourselves ....and once order is restored a bit in our living space it calms our minds somewhat .
you have had a horrible start to your year ..........but with support here you are not alone bearded and overrun with cats [you still have humour :D]
your meds will take time to kick in as you are aware ......keep posting .this place so helps xxx

15-08-11, 17:05
I'm so sorry - I just re-read your post & realised you are on meds already!
Snowgoose is right though...it's small steps xxx

15-08-11, 17:08
Hiya and welcome to NMP I hope you find the help and advice here and maybe make a few friends in the process


15-08-11, 22:00
I'm not sure if this reply goes out to you all?! Anyway thanks all for your warm welcome and words of advice and encouragement. It is good to know that others have experienced similar things and are getting through it. Small steps are definitely the way forward, I think, and though I hate hate hate trying to tackle those chores I know I can't let them overwhelm and devour me. So, ten minutes, as of tomorrow....
