View Full Version : Toxic fumes

15-08-11, 16:47
at work today for four whole hours, i was breathing in burning plastic, along with 4 other people.. Im really worried because my it hurts to breathe in and ive got abit of random chest pain and head dizzyness, im extremely scared.. Please help.. :'(

15-08-11, 16:57
Ok does anyone think it would be a good idea to see an out of hours doctor tonight? As im really really worried about this..

15-08-11, 17:08
Is that normal for you to breathing in burning plastic while at work? That's not good!
Does your chest really hurt or is it because you are panicking about it? xxx

15-08-11, 17:12
Well its the first time ive done it today, we didn't have any ventalation in the room, and i breathed in loads, i tried not to but i breathed in so much of it, we were burning it as we were sealing bags and then melting them to the boxes, this was for about four hours. I havn't been anxious and ive been very head pressured, weak and dizzy, along with chest pain and my finger nails have gone a really weird colour, like bright white and bright red aswell, and left arm pain also down my middle finger.. :'( Im really worried, do you think i should see a out of hours doctor? I feel slightly anxious now, but i had the chest pain etc.. before. Plus it really hurts my abdomen when i cough. xx

15-08-11, 17:14
If it will put your mind at rest then I would go yes.
I don't know much about breathing plastic in...but it can't be good for you.

Try not to worry too much or it will make you feel worse. See if you can get into a walk in centre (do you have those by you??)


15-08-11, 17:17
Yes there is one walk in centre, but that is quite a way away and i won't be able to get theres. Im so worried the chest pain i get is like random and lasts about a second to a minute and its very frequant, especially with the funny coloured nails. And im so worried about my head incase a sneeze i did today (well a few HUGE sneezes) has caused a bleed to the brain as im getting headaches.. :( xx

15-08-11, 17:21
Maybe call NHS Direct first, see what they have to say.
I doubt you have a bleed on the brain but I do understand how horrible it is when you have something in your head...you can't get rid of the thoughts. I am paranoid about anything to do with my brain as well so I completely understand.
Try not to panic...call NHS Direct! xxx

15-08-11, 17:21
Where do you work ? I thought you were 16 and still at school.

15-08-11, 17:25
shes 16 and just did her last year at school Nicola x :)

15-08-11, 17:28
If you are that worried hun then by all means go and get checked out.
It will give you peace of mind and there is really no down side to getting it checked out!
Hope you feel better soon.

15-08-11, 18:14
If it put your mind at rest then go and see someone to get checked out, personally i wouldnt of thought it was good to be in that enviroment x

15-08-11, 19:04
Duke I doubt very much in these days of health and safety that you would be allowed to work in an environment with toxic fumes.

Have you followed any of the advice re getting help with your anxiety as if you could get this under control I am sure that things would become a lot easier for you.

15-08-11, 20:04
Where do you work it must have a health and Saftey assessment on it