View Full Version : New Here

15-08-11, 17:05
Hi! My name is Sam, I'm 18 years old and have been suffering from Panic and Anxiety for about 7 years now
Along with depression, agoraphobia and mild OCD.

I've had CBT a few times, and in the past have taken Sertraline.
I was recently put on Citalopram but i'm not finding it much help yet. [I know it will take some time :)]

I've not been doing so great lately, and i'm hoping that by joining this forum and speaking and sharing with everyone
Hopefully i'll be able to get myself back on track.

Hi everyone,
I felt as though i should 'start over' by editing this post.
As you can see, i joined 4 years ago - and after a couple of posts kind of faded away from nomorepanic. It feels silly to admit, but i get anxious even posting online sometimes, and at the time i joined i was all over the place. Since then my anxiety got the better of me and i became completely housebound, too scared to do much, until recently - and am now able to walk to the shops on my own [though going in is still a bit out of my reach, but i'll get there!]

My name is Sam. I'm 21 years old, and have been dealing with panic and anxiety since i was 11. I'm currently on Paroxetine for the anxiety, and propranolol for migraines [though my doctor did say it was likely to help with the anxiety aswell] and have been for the last two years.
I suffer mostly with a fear of fainting, due to a few incidents around when my anxiety started, so pretty much dizzy all the way!
But my main point is, i'm hoping to share experiences and maybe learn a few things along the way x

15-08-11, 17:07
Hi Sammy-Jo

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

15-08-11, 17:07
Hiya and welcome to NMP I hope you find the help and advice here and maybe make a few friends in the process


15-08-11, 17:26
Hi Sam,

Welcome to the site!

Emily xxx

Gemma T
15-08-11, 17:29
Hi Sam

Welcome aboard! Your so young as well. Just shows you the kind of world we live in.

Im sure you'll make loads of friends and find the support you need.

x x x

15-08-11, 17:45
Thankyou, everyone, for the warm welcome!

11-03-15, 12:41
Hi everyone,
I felt as though i should 'start over' by editing this post.
As you can see, i joined 4 years ago - and after a couple of posts kind of faded away from nomorepanic.

I hope it's ok to re-introduce myself, it's been a while. :winks: