View Full Version : Still getting chest pain/tightness

15-08-11, 17:30
Ive had chest pain/tightness for nearly 3 weeks anyway i phoned the BHF today and they told me to call out the paramedics!!!! i explained i had ecgs done and ect but she said if i had pain/tightness then i need to call them out,so i did and they did a ECG which was fine then they took me to the hospital,they did another ECG then sent me home as it was fine as well...i feel a fool and i dont know where to turn as im still in pain and its getting me down....i feel full up to the neck and pain on the left top side and around the back,also my lower left back area is sore...and the chest pains.

Gemma T
15-08-11, 17:36
My health anx started because of chest pains caused by stress. My pains made me double over and i was convinced i was having a heart attack.

You know this is not a heart attack. You have had two ecg's and they came back normal.

Your not going to die.

This is anxiety. Its annoying, its consuming and its dam painful but it is just anxiety.

Run a bath. Light some candles and make some tea. No alcohol, this will only make it worse.

Please please try and relax. If you need to talk private message me. It gets sent to my blackberry so i can get back to you sooner x x x

15-08-11, 17:54
Hi Gemma,ive had about 7 ECGs in the last 3 weeks,bit im still not convinced,i was hoping the BHF was going to tell me that an ECG would have picked anything up but she insisted i called 999!!! ive pains just now,shooting small sharp ones and my esophagus tube feels full and incomfortable..did you have any tests done with your pains? did you go to A&E??

16-08-11, 10:37
im really sore today,left sided pain and goes around the back,what can i do? i cant keep going to A&E but i need to know whats wrong,everytime i do something i get a pain or a heavy feeling on the left side.

16-08-11, 13:14
Hi sandy

I know you are really suffering with this hun! I am thinking of going for a private BUPA heart health check. It is expensive but I think it will give me the peace of mind I need to get better and I won't feel that I am wasting anyone's time because I am paying for it. However, if this comes back as clear of any problems, I am going to try and get on with my life and put this anxiety behind me as I know I HAVE to draw a line somewhere! Is this something you could consider?


16-08-11, 13:23
Heart pain as such would be central though and not over the heart.

It is probably muscle strain and tension and worrying about it makes it worse.

Go back and see your doc and tell him you can't live like this with all the worry.

Perhaps you need some anti-inflammatories or some pain killers.

16-08-11, 17:49
Kinnygirl,yes over the past few days ive been thinking of going private.Im scared to eat as my heart gets sore even doing that,when im sitting it seems ok most of time but when i do anything i get pain and the tightness comes on...im really worried.

16-08-11, 17:52
Are anti imflammatories ok to take just incase i do have something wrong with my heart? Ive some in the medicine cupboard would it be safe to take them?

16-08-11, 18:04
Are anti imflammatories ok to take just incase i do have something wrong with my heart? Ive some in the medicine cupboard would it be safe to take them?

I don't know as you would need to check with your GP really.

I honestly don't think you have anything wrong with your heart though.

Where exactly is the pain when you eat?

16-08-11, 18:08
Its over the upper left side,so im not really eating cause i get pains and tightness,im just drinking tea and eating light sandwiches but ive not much of a appetite anyway.

16-08-11, 18:15
So this could be some form of indigestion type thing.

Do you drink caffeine tea or decaff?

16-08-11, 18:22

I get the exact same and i think Nic is right.

It could be something as simple as acid relux, which trust me, is agony and can also mimic a heart attack. I have ended up in twice with it and eventually i was given Zantac.

When mine flares up i get chest pain, tightness, the chest pain can radiate through to the back and even up toward the shoulder and round towards the side (like under your arm)

It really is extremely scary but there are loads of things you can do to ease it.


16-08-11, 18:23
Do you think it could be? would/could it cause chest/heart pains/tightness? i hope thats all it it,i had a upper scope about a year ago and it showed a little inflammation in my stomach im on omeprazole.No tea is not decaff,ive stopped drinking coffee for a few weeks..i drink alot of irn bru,about 4 cans a day.

16-08-11, 18:38
Ok you need to ditch the caffeine - which is in Irn Bru as well.

My partner went to hospital with chest pains and one of the first things they said to him was "stop drinking caffeiine - it is very bad for you". He now drinks Earl Grey tea.

yes indigestion causes all of those pains.

16-08-11, 18:39
Bottleblonde,my pain goes under my arm too,and around the back of my shoulders,across and under my left boob and down the centre of my chest,i was in A&E AGAIN yesterday and the dr gave me 2 sprays under the tongue of that thing that people with heart/angina have,(dont know the name of it) and my tightness eased a bit but straightaway i burped..i wanted to keep the spray but he wouldnt let me,ive tingling pain on the left side just now.

16-08-11, 18:43
Oh bless you. Irn Bru my fav :roflmao:

I definately think this is what could be bothering you. Ok my advice would be....

Speak to your pharmasist about Zantac/ranitadine. That type of medication is really effective if you are having a bad bout of chest pain. You could maybe try them for a few days and if they help then you could then speak to your gp about going on a course of them.

I'm afraid fizzy drinks are a huge nono (soweeeeee)...The gas in it will irritate the stomach lining. (I drink irn bru too but not when i'm having a wee flare up). Spicy, rich foods, chocolate are also not good for it.

If you get pain at night then raise the head of your bed by putting a couple of books under each side of the top of your bed. Because you are slightly raised, it stops the acid settling in your stomach.

It's a common problem, it's easily treated. I don't usually tell people to take meds but even a few days on the above or similar could work wonders.


16-08-11, 18:44
Bottleblonde,my pain goes under my arm too,and around the back of my shoulders,across and under my left boob and down the centre of my chest,i was in A&E AGAIN yesterday and the dr gave me 2 sprays under the tongue of that thing that people with heart/angina have,(dont know the name of it) and my tightness eased a bit but straightaway i burped..i wanted to keep the spray but he wouldnt let me,ive tingling pain on the left side just now.

Bless you hun Lol...It's defo not heart pain. Trust me :roflmao:

16-08-11, 18:50
Ok Zantac is on my shopping list tomorrow,oh i hope thats all that it is.I'll cut out the tea and irn bru and stick to water to see if that helps,anything to get back to "normal".thanks.xx

16-08-11, 19:27
Sandy, don't fret girl. It's the fretting over the pains that are keeping it all going. The GTN spray that the A&E doctor gave you can relieve either heart or oesophageal pain. What you may be suffering from is costochondritis which is chest wall inflammation. The pain that radiates through to your Back and shoulders can have many causes such as pancreatic or gall bladder disease but more than likely common things happen commonly which is a term favoured by many doctors. So more than likely it's a gastritis caused by Helicobacter with an element of reflux. Also if you read your Omeprazole leaflet some of your symptoms could be caused by the drug itself. Try Lansoprazole as it's a newer drug and It could help with reducing your symptoms. I could not take Omeprazole as it eventually caused me a myriad of medical issues, I swapped to Lansoprazole and not really anymore issues. Just a thought but you never know.

16-08-11, 19:53
Ok Zantac is on my shopping list tomorrow,oh i hope thats all that it is.I'll cut out the tea and irn bru and stick to water to see if that helps,anything to get back to "normal".thanks.xx

Snady let me know how you get on hun. xxx

Gemma T
16-08-11, 20:49
Sorry ive taken so long. Yeh i had two ecg's and blood tests. All checked out ok. I was unsure at the time. But im still alive today and that was three years ago. With that many ecg's im 100% sure they have not missed anything.

I know how bad the pains can get but im sure this is just anxiety or acid reflux like Nicola and lisa have said. x x x