View Full Version : Desperate for heart advice!

15-08-11, 18:57
ive been getting 'funny' feelings in my chest and palpitations, some minor chest pains (which usually pass when air passes) and shortness of breath when i climb stairs etc

Now first off is im overweight, and im quite unfit so that explains the breathlessness
the pain is explained by indigestion
and the palpitations etc are explained by anxiety

It sounds so simple but i still feel like theres more there, ive had blood work done before and a physical by the doctor theres nothing wrong with me they say but im so anxious that theres more there.

My family all say they have palpitations they just dont focus on it the same way as i do but i find it so hard believing them 100%

My doctor says any symptom that is accompanied by non stop anxiety is caused by anxiety but im so worried im missing something, and in less than 2 weeks im going on holiday, but im so worried ill have a heart attack on the plane!

Anyone at all, please help?

Thank You

15-08-11, 19:48
please someone say something?

15-08-11, 20:05
hi holly i spent from 15 till recently hardly doing a thing in case i had a HA and a fair bit older and still worry but life goes by so quick that you need to get a better life pattern going so that you can enjoy the life you have, your doctor having checked you out and done the norm as in blood tests etc and they are good so trust your doctor they have to be so careful now a days to get the diagnosis right or you will sue them right.

16-08-11, 02:43

I'm new here but your post sounds exactly like me every other week - I am absolutely convinced I'm going to have a heart attack and that these are the warning signs. I panic, because I think how annoyed/stupid/devastated would I be if I did have a full on attack, because I was ignoring the first symptoms.

It has happened so many times now and turned to be nothing, that I am actually starting to go with the odds that it probably is anxiety. Still not 100% convinced though.

The way I look at it, is this.... if it is anxiety then calming down and doing some gentle stretching of your arms will help your chest muscles.

If it is heart, then calming down will help that too, so either way, calming down is an important step.

Try saying to yourself 'I'm going to calm down. If it is still there in 3 hours, I will call the doctor and ask them to re-check."

Sometimes for me, just knowing I'm going to 'allow' myself to get checked out, allows me to calm down enough for the symptoms to subside.


16-08-11, 03:19
Holly, I too had these symptoms when I was 16 or so, palplatations can be caused by alot of things, caffeine, lack of sleep, anxiety etc, they are usually not signs of a heart attack in the first place anyway

what is your diet like, do you eat meats? things that contain B12 and Iron if you don't you could be low on them,

it seems to me that your physical condition and the breathlessness is what is making you worry and causing you to panic that something is wrong and that is what is causing the palplatations.

Mine disappeared on their own, and was put down due to "anxiety"

dont worry yourself, relax, it's a very common symptom of anxiety

16-08-11, 11:55
Hope you are doing better today Holly - heart worries are so scary. It is reassuring though that so many of us are in the same boat. Some really good advice from the others above.
