View Full Version : feel like i cant go on......

15-08-11, 19:40
Hi all,

I am so so tired of my constant worries that i have vcjd.this thought is all i think about.I have pains in my legs which is a symptom.I have been feeling panicky since April which i knoqlw is q symptom....its so hard qs I have really convinced myself tovthe point i am ill.

Can anyone help me to put this fear to bed.....

I have suffered terrible depersonalisation today,I started a new job but my mind is only on cjd.its like I'm living a nightmare.


15-08-11, 19:46
I am so sorry you are feeling like that as I know from the way you have written the post how bad you must be feeling, have you no one you can talk to, Mum sister friend I am sure that that would be good for you to talk, When our anxiety is at one of its high levels we think life is not worth living but it is I promise, I dont know what I can say to you to make you feel better only that you are not and never will be alone with this site xx

15-08-11, 19:47
If you really didn't want to go on you wouldn't be here!
I know health anxiety is hard, I've had it for 10 years but you need to fight it. It's vile, horrible, takes over your life but it can be beaten.
All the symptoms you describe are those of anxiety, it's hard to accept but it's true.

15-08-11, 19:59

Thank you for your replies,they mean a lot.I am so mentally exhausted.

I have q lot of support from family,and some very understanding friends....but I feel i am trapped in this dark hole.I am so scared that I have this horrible disease....when rationally I have been anxious for months;by that time it really would have progressed.its just so tiring to sit and wait for symptoms to appear every day.I feel like i am going crazy.


15-08-11, 20:07
You just said it yourself...it would have progressed by now.
I have diagnosed myself with every disease under the sun....honestly I do understand. Sometimes you need to wait for the rational side of your brain to catch up with your thoughts xxx

15-08-11, 20:16
Have u felt like that for a long time?how do u get through?

It's my birthday tom and Im not even bothered...its so sad.

I'm on mirtazapine 15mg,are u on anything like that?

I also have the worst headache tonight too,probably stress!

Do u ever get depersonalisation?

Thank you again for your support,means a lot

15-08-11, 20:22
I used to get the depersonilisation thingy and I convinced my self I was dying and as for the headaches they are a real bummer again caused by the anxiety but mine where Brain T when I had had them for my record of 11 days, we can sit and imagine every illness going and can feel like we have the symptoms and lo and behold we get them, Anxiety/panic/HA are crap but we do continue to live with them when we should be out there having a good life, dont google your symptoms thats as bad as it gets LOL

15-08-11, 22:10

You may not like what I am going to say but like you I have slight touch of health anxiety.

I know you havn't got this illness but I would suggest you visit your GP and have a few words and see if he or she can reasure you and put it to rest. It maybe hard for you to do but it will help in the long run it will stop your suffering and even once they say you havn't got it you may go home and still think you have it but this is a habit you have got into but write what your GP says to you and keep reading it until the right way of thinking becomes reality. I hope this helps. I am thinking of you as I have been there. Good luck.

Cathy xx :)