View Full Version : holiday

09-05-06, 11:47
hi everyone,
can i have some advice please, my boyfreind has booked a haven holiday for the family in july, were only going to weymouth but im a bit worried about whether my anxiety will come back, im not keen on going were there is lots of people about ,also were staying in a tent do you think i should go, i want to, but as ive said, im a bit worried about it, do they have any sort of medical facilities on these camp sites i have looked on the web site but cant see any. thanks
luv sue x

09-05-06, 12:19
dear Sue,i am sorry you are so worried about your holiday.It is a very commom thread on here!I am sure they will have medical facilities,but if you are not sure then ring them or ask at the travel agents,once your mind is at rest you will be able to relax about it moreI think you SHOULD GO ,and there are always quieter areas to go to when you need to,Just tel your boyfriend that you may need some quiet time with him at some point,and you have a wondeful time ,keep us posted.love mary-rose.xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore

09-05-06, 12:25
Hi Sue :D

Ohhh love the haven sites :D[8D]
I can understand your concern. My first panic happend abroad on the way to spain [:O] I was unable to go abroad for a long time, just for now till I feel better, I would always say, BUT I did not stop going on holidays. My first holiday after my panics was haven, well it used to be a haven site now its called park resorts in wales.

They do not have any medical facilities BUT what they do have is phone numbers for a local GP [^]

You should go Sue, don't let Mrs anxiety stop you. What I found is that I would panic or have anixety anytime any place anywhere. The more I went places and faced things, the less the anxiety got.

I had my first holiday abroad this easter. I too was a little worried about my anxiety coming back, but the truth was it never did. Thanks to all the information on this site and the special people. keeping away the was ifs can be hard. I took one day at a time to the run up to my hols and kept focust on the whats going to happen (great time) insead of what might happen.

YOU go Sue, put things in place if you have to, like finding out where the nearest GP is, call haven, anything, that will put you mind at rest.

Hope this helps



09-05-06, 12:26
hi there, i have also written a post on my holiday worries! I think you should go as avoidence only makes things worse!

Even if there isn't any medical facilities actually on the site, there is bound to be a doctors surgery / a&e not to far away i'm sure.

Will let you know how my holiday goes, and hopefully have some positive advice to offer you!

Love India xxx

09-05-06, 12:38
mate i was nervous about going to spain and i was stuck on a ship for 4 days with no way out i found myself relatively calm because i knew i was with people who wouldnt let anything happen and if something did then it will be ok and it never and nor will it to you. if i can do it anyone can believe me x

09-05-06, 13:40
thakyou for your replys guys youve put my mind at rest:D