View Full Version : Last resort

15-08-11, 21:05

I went to see a councilor in my Dr surgery a few days ago thinking it would help me.

It felt like she was more interested in contacting the person who sexualy abused me in my childhood. That was not why i went there. I went there thinking she could get to the bottom of why i have depression so i can overcome it. But insted she gave me a bunch of leaflets and sent me on my way.

I really thought this would have helped me. My employment offer a perfesional councilor that would normaly charge but i would have it free. But im just wondering if its worth it if they are all the same as the one in my Dr surgery.

Any comments would be much apprecitated. Thanks x

15-08-11, 21:23
Sometimes it takes time to find the right person. when I went for counselling I felt that this counsellor was not right for me but I persevered and it turned out he was great. Maybe give her another chance. Maybe if you tell her that you don't want to explore you childhood abuse, which is what I told mine and he didn't really focus on it.

~glowly worm~
15-08-11, 22:24
Mirabelle is right,

they are all very different and have different methods depending on training and interests and it does tend to help if you tell them what you do not want to cover (i have done this also). Its a bit like taking a list to a doctors appt - it can make the session more effective for you and enable the therapist to help you more so better for both ;)

Alternatively It might also be that a more solution based treatment may suit you more (such as Cognitive Behaviour Therapy). Please do not give up hope, there are always second (and third) opinions and other types of treatment. However there are often long waits for these therapies so bearing in mind you have the sessions already and they are free maybe try Mirabelle's advice and give it another shot.

Best of luck ;)
Glow x

17-08-11, 09:43
Thanks guys. I wont give up on her just yet :) x

~glowly worm~
17-08-11, 11:10
good to hear emma really hope it improves xx

17-08-11, 19:02
Hi, I went through work for my counselling - I got 7 free sessions and have been paying ever since - Its great and has really helped me. Good Luck xx