View Full Version : Cant breathe! Anxiety or heart problem?

16-08-11, 00:24
Woke last night and felt I couldnt get enough oxygen.My nostrils feel a little stopped up and I was sweating. I checked my pulse and it was around 70 and so I tried hard to relax and finally went to sleep.I woke after a bit seem to be brething fine and went back to sleep. ztoday I woke and felt the same. I am brething but it doesnt seem im getting enough oxygen also im sweating but my pulse is 70 -72. My lips arent blue nor is any part of me. I know im breathing but it just doesnt feel right.I even went outside and took a walk being aware of my breathing and I came back in and took my pulse and it was only 100. Besides the sweating does this sound like breathing problems? I check symptoms of this and that and I dont have ny other symptoms. Am I just imaging I have breathing problems and im aware of it or coujld zi really be having problems ? Please answer this im worried.

16-08-11, 00:33

Deepest Blue
16-08-11, 00:37
Hi ya,

It sounds like anxiety is causing the problems but also you said you felt your nostrils bunged up, do you have a cold / flu / fever ? That could be causing your breathing problems.

Take care

16-08-11, 00:41
Allergies....was out most of yesterday and started sneezing and coughing and feeling like this last night

Deepest Blue
16-08-11, 00:44
Ahh that was going to be my next question.

I suffer from hay fever and I get the same symptoms as you when I'm suffering.

Have you taken anything for it? And if so does it ease the breathing a bit?

16-08-11, 00:47
Cant take allergy meds as they make my heart speed up. Im wondering if maybe my nose being closed makes me feel as though im not getting enough oxygen? I mean when I had this last night I went on to sleep. If I couldnt breathe properly or not enough oxygen then I would have woke up right? I hate this sensation and ots really bothering me.

16-08-11, 00:54
Michael, Michael, Michael:D:D:D

If ya nose is blocked up then ya won't be able to breathe the same as usual but again you are so anxious all the time that every little difference is making you think you have something serious, I was like this with things for many years, specifically the breathing thing!:blush::blush::blush:

You have a perfect heart rate (considering u's a smoker:winks:), please don't worry.:shades::shades::shades: I don't think I'd dare take my pusle after going for a walk:doh::doh::doh:

Take care for now,

16-08-11, 00:58
Thanks Els,Im probably over reacting as usual I hope? :(

16-08-11, 22:22
Today my stomach feels so tight and im sweating even under the air conditioning which is really weird for me.Anyone else feeling the way I do?

17-08-11, 20:58

17-08-11, 21:05

17-08-11, 21:27
Thats cute Els

17-08-11, 21:40
I can only suggest that you keep hydrated by drinking plenty of water Michael and see if it helps. Sounds very hot over there.

You will be fine mate - promise. It really doesn't sound like heart issues to me.

17-08-11, 21:58
Has been really hot all summer. I just wonder if you can have respitory failure sporatically? Can it come and go? or would it be persistant?

17-08-11, 22:05
I'm sure you'd know if you had that. In fact, not sure you'd even be alive.

I think it's a combination of heat fatigue and anxiety.

17-08-11, 22:07
This is something just recent and my allergies are acting up and sinuses so its probally that I hope.