View Full Version : ms

09-05-06, 12:16
ive just watched a programme on this morning about ms and i think i have that she was diagnosed with depression etc and people were saying its all in ur mind and she knew it werent and they got to the bottom of it and it was ms now im scared x

09-05-06, 12:23
i have just watched it too,and it was m.e. ,katy,not m.s.!I have mentionrd in my post about m.e.,i wonder too if being anxious can lower our immune system?But it CANT give us m.s.,that i am pretty sure of,so try not to worry !love mary-rose.xxxxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore

09-05-06, 19:12
Hi Katy

I have anxiety and ME and think it is pretty common for the two to run together xxxxx

Katie x

april tones
09-05-06, 19:14
dont worry!! honestly xx
Katiess on my forum on my signature i have M.E aswell as fibro! x

fibrochat) http://apriltones.proboards54.com

09-05-06, 20:00

I saw it too... and yes it was ME.

I have ME too - for 20 years and the symptoms are very similary to anxiety and depression, it is very hard for the professionals to distinguish and no two professionals seem to agree about the symptoms or treatment!

I have 2 friends with MS and it is very different - I won't talk about their symptoms because it is not helpful here but you have nothing to worry about!!! (although ME is vile it's not as bad as MS).

Fee xxxxxx

Why live life anticipating the bad things when you could be anticipating the good?
Good and bad things WILL happen!

09-05-06, 21:09
Hello - is me the same as chronic fatigue syndrome?
Thanks Helen

april tones
09-05-06, 21:43
Yes i think it is just somepeople call it that x

fibrochat) http://apriltones.proboards54.com

09-05-06, 23:09
It does not mean that everyone with anxiety gets ME

Let's not stress people here! It is very rare and the doctor can diagnose.

If we all thought we had it we could all have a nice label to put on it. It needs to be officially diagnosed first.
