View Full Version : very scared by a new symptom :(

16-08-11, 08:45
Hi Guys,

Im very scared today with a new "thing"
i woke around 5am and my vision was all wrong - all i could see was millions of black dots. it was like a screen or curtain of them a few feet in front of my eyes, i wasnt quite sure what i was seeing and amazingly turned over and fell back asleep, however when i woke up i was scared to open my eyes incase it was still there, a few blinks and everythiing was normal - i am now PETRIFIED that i will wake up blind :(
anyone had this before?????

desperatly needing advice xxxxx

16-08-11, 08:48
Hi Linda
I've had a similar thing when my vision was covered by little silver worms, also I have opened my eyes and everything was green. I don't think it's anything to worry about. I've had my eyes tested since then and all was fine.

16-08-11, 08:49
Hi Linda
I've had a similar thing when my vision was covered by little silver worms, also I have opened my eyes and everything was green. I don't think it's anything to worry about. I've had my eyes tested since then and all was fine.

16-08-11, 09:09
Do you suffer from any neck problems?

Sometimes the neck can be responsible for any vision disturbance, headache or dizzy spells. It can be due to just the way we have slept.

Also, it sounds like the black dots may be 'floaters', something which is common with Anxiety.


16-08-11, 19:04
Thanks for the replies xx

I often see silvery worm things on looking at a bright sky but ive always seen that and they dont bother me at all,
As far as i know i have no problems with my neck, in fact thats the only part of me that gives me no problems with anxiety lol -
i get floaters all the time and they dont really bother me, its just this was so very differnt and completly covered my vision in both eyes!!!
im dreading going to bed tonight :(:(