View Full Version : Help, heart worries! (im new)

16-08-11, 11:32
im new on here, ive known about the site for a while and i used to read posts as it made me feel better but i never joined untill today
i have had anxity for yeras and i have cbt therapy once a week
anyway, yesterday i was walking thru town and was waiting at the trffic lights (i had my 14 month old son with me in his pushchair) anyway i was stood dtill and out of nowwhere my heart went MENTAL! it started racing so so fast and beating to hard i thought it was guna explode out my chest, it took about 5 mins to recover, i had to get the bus hone i was to scared to walk, i went to the doctors later that evening and they have said ive to go to hospital for blood test to check my thyroid!
nothing like this has ever happened to me before, usually when i get panic attacks it my breathing and chest, i havent had anxity about my heart for ages! even then nothing as bad a stis happened!
anyway i went to bed early as my boyfriend was working late, i felt ok when he came home, hten he left at 6 this mourning and i woke up with my son and i feel dreadful, constantly cheacking my heart beats, i feel dizzy and weak, i cant eat anything! im supposed to be going to get these blood tests done and take my son to playgroup, i feel i cant do anything, im just so scared to do anything incase it makes my heart have an attack or if the same thing happens as what happened yesterday
i feel so drained but i have my son to look after!

16-08-11, 11:48
Hi June2010mama

I am the same as you suffering with my heart worries at the moment. Feels like it just reacts to absolutley nothing by going mental, racing and skipping all over the place. What I would say is that although like you I was afraid to do anything, I have forced myself to carry on with the things I have to do everyday and it hasn't had any effect on my heart so try not to be afraid to do what you have to. Definately make yourself go down to the docs for the blood test as you may find that that reassures you plus you can mention your concerns to them.

Kinnygirl x

16-08-11, 11:53
i feel so scared and nervous, i start to relax and feel a bit better then i feel a twinge in my heart and im like omg HEART ATTACK!
im only 21, what are the chances of something being majorly wrong with my heart
the doctor said it doesnt sound like anything bad, but i never believe doctors, i always think the are just guessing and could be missing something important if you know what i mean x

16-08-11, 11:59
Yes I know what you mean exactly as this is my fear but I think the odds of something being wrong with your heart at your age are very slim. I am 34, my sister is a nurse and my brother in law is a GP and they are always telling me that I have NO risk factors for heart attack - I am a healthy weight, don't smoke, have no history of heart probs in family etc. Its hard to take that on board though because I am so worried that I am the exception to the rule!!!!

16-08-11, 12:02
yeah thats excatly what i think, that im an 'exeption'
i dont smoke any more (i stopped when i found out i was pregnant with my son) my bmi is normal ect so i shouldnt worry but i do, i am just so scared of anything happening to me while my son is so young.

16-08-11, 12:53
I really do understand. I have an 8 year old daughter and one of my primary worries is that I will collapse whilst looking after her and how frightened she would be.

I think we just have to try and trust the medical advice we have received is right but it's so hard isn't it? xxx

16-10-11, 00:39
OMG this is so like me my heart will race everyday for no reason, i will be sitting around it will race miss beats and also flutters, but everytime i go to A&E it never seems to happen, ive been told its ectopic's and its normal, ok i say to myself why do i go light headed ? i even have to hold onto thing somtimes as i feel like im going to fall over, never have fallen but the fear is bad enough.
Now there are times i feel my pulse and god i shit myself the way its beating, ive taken the pulse and seen its doing well over 100 beats a min somtimes its been as fast as 149 beats a min, when i wake in the morning i know as soon as i get out of bed its going mad, so you are both not alone trust me ive had this now for well over 2 years, and im still here, but deep down in my mind i feel there is more wrong.
Ive seen Doctor after Doctor with them just saying yes its fast but its ok, hope this has helped ...

16-10-11, 10:32
Ian - I can get a heartrate of 140 whenever I am in any medical setting or having any medical test even bp taken - even just typing this is raising my heartbeat!

What did prove it with me is that for some reason I managed to stay calm and take my bp every day at home for 5 weeks and it was completely normal and pulse was 70-80. Then I started with bad ectopics ( had them for over 30 yrs) and racing heartbeat and sure enough I only have to look at the bp machine and my heart rate is about 130 and bp is just over normal, but I proved that without the terror my pulse and bp is fine.

I just now need to crack the terror response once again!

16-10-11, 14:06
it wouldent be normal if i dident worry everyday about my heart when you become aware of it its hard to forget about it and get on with normal everyday things.
my heart is always doing strange things racing jumping skipping drives me crazy.
just try to wait for the doc to do all the tests so you can at least but your mind at ease for a while i know its hard.
my sympathy is with you i hope you feel better soonxxx:)

16-10-11, 18:53
I got to say ive had more tests than anyone i feel, ECG well ive lost count, Ive had 2 24 Hour tapes that just show a fast heart rate, Had an Echo done of my heart and that was all clear again showed it was fast. Blood test well i could say that ive been well looked into.
But how and why does the heart go so fast for no reason well i mean there is a reason and keep getting told its Anxitey, now this is the most important question is i dont feel anxiuos and still my heart will be racing, it doesent come out my just as thud thud, i know its racing as i feel off balance or if im laying down like right now ive just felt my pulse for the past 3 hours on and off and its well over 100 beats a min.. now the worry is and its always on my mind does this weaken the heart im 43 years old so you see the worry i have.

16-10-11, 20:26
the thing is when i kept going to the doctor with a really fast heart rate like at times even when i was resting i would feel it racing and racing he told me iwas just being anxious but i always used to say im not anxious his answer was its anxiety.
you may think your not but you are thats what he always said so that was that if you know what i mean in your mind you aint but you are and thats why your body reacts in that way. ive asked the doctor if it can damage the heart racing so much and he would say your hearts strong and can take many thingsx:hugs:

16-10-11, 20:57
My heart races and bp goes up so easily. Anything medical even a thought raises both.