View Full Version : never felt this low before, really could use some support

16-08-11, 11:58
i feel so scared and utterly depressed.

I've been suffering from this latest bout of anxiety for 10 weeks now. Because of this my ibs has been out of control and i keep getting a tingly feeling in my arms and feet. I can t motivate myself to do anything, my appetite has been affected and i feel nauesaus quite often too.

I have 5 kids, 3 of which are grown up and a 7 and 4 yo at home. my 7 year old said to me the other day "you don't smile mummy", that made me so sad. Last night when i was tucking my 4 yo into bed he said "i'll miss you mummy" i asked him when and he said "when you die". This totally freaked me out, thinking maybe he has a sixth sense or something! Is that mad? Have i finally lost it?

My ibs was'nt too bad yesterday, only had to go to the toilet twice, today has been awful, been 5 times so far bbut most of thosr times i think i've forced it, is that possible?

Sorry for the long rant but i feel lost today.

16-08-11, 13:16
Hi Rainbow,

I am sorry to hear you feel so low at the moment. We all go through stages where we feel like this, like it will never end. And the IBS doesn't help does it!!
I get the tingling, the running to the loo & the feeling sick along with many other symptoms....all horrible but anxiety.
And you're not going mad - kids say things like that! Only us anxiety sufferers would look too deeply into it.
Try not to worry about it & I am sure if you're anything like me your IBS will get better.

Hope you're feeling better soon.

Emily xxx

16-08-11, 13:17
i feel more alone than ever now.

16-08-11, 13:19
Why do you say that??
You need to try & be positive - I know that's hard because I've been there but positive thoughts, positive mood.
You;re going to feel terrible if you keep thinking negatively & having horrid thoughts.

You can do it Rainbow. Do something that cheers you up xxx

16-08-11, 13:20
You are not alone with this.

My IBS is still as bad. I went for a job interview yesterday and it was a 30 minute drive away to his house and I had to stop off at some services so I could go to the loo before getting to his house, or that would have been embarrassing.

I am currently on the loo every 15 minutes. Oh the joys eh ?

I may have to consider some Immodium to calm things down but don't want to end up constipated then!

16-08-11, 13:30
Oh no Nicola!!!
At times like that I wish I had a cork lol! xxx

16-08-11, 13:39
Yeah a cork would be good lol.

I know it will settle down in a few days. It is just annoying cos you have to make sure you only go out where you know a loo is handy lol

16-08-11, 14:12
thank you both for your kind replies,

I'm just so unhappy and desperately want to feel better. I know i'm not helping myself but how do i stop the thoughts?

I always feel calmer in the evening and don't have to go to the toilet si it makes sense why this is so bad in the morning when my anxiety is so high. Also my period just started today 2 weeks late, could this be the anxiety that caused this?

16-08-11, 14:16
Rainbow I know exactly how you feel as i am going through the same thing at the moment , so i know how your thoughts consume you. I don't have any answers but just to send you a big hug and we will get through this ! xxxxx

16-08-11, 14:44
Hi Rainbow. As you know I am going through stuff myself but I have had the ibs and can totally understand how you feel. So positive thoughts to you.

16-08-11, 15:36
You probably feel worse as you are on your period as well, on top of the anxiety & the IBS.
I hope you feel better soon hun xxx

16-08-11, 16:46

I'm just so emotionally exhausted and i dread waking up in the morning cos it all starts over again.

I suppose my period could be making it worse but its so hard to cope with. I just want to stay in my bed permanently which is not like me at all.

Have you had really prolonged episodes with ibs in the past?

16-08-11, 16:49
I remember when I was in my early 20's & I had it for weeks & weeks & weeks....it was absolutely awful. And the more I worried about it the worse it seemed to get.

16-08-11, 17:23
total panic now, just been to the toilet again, six times now. I'm so worried, just don't know what to do, i feel almost paralysed with fear. I've barely eaten today. I'm so sure i must have bowel cancer. I've been taking reassurrance over the weeks that its only been happening in the mornings now this happens.

16-08-11, 18:09
Mine is definitely worse when on my period.

What tests have you had done as I can't remember?

Have you also read the sticky threads on the IBS forum (at the top)

If you have cancer then most of us do too cos we all have the same lol

16-08-11, 18:15
anyone else been through this, i really need some reassurrance. i can't cope anymore.