View Full Version : aching legs, knee pain, anxiety?

16-08-11, 12:50
For about 3 weeks now i have been experiencing really bad pains in my right knee, which is causing my thigh and my calf to really heavily ache.. its like a withdrawing type of ache.. sometimes i have the pain slightly in my left knee/thigh sometimes aswell.. Me, then thinking the worst has panicked about bone cancer, so i am now wondering whether anxiety could be doing this to me and whether it could be causing me to have these joint/muscle aches and pains and making me feel tired. I am more worried as its mainly only in one knee/thigh. Does anyone get this too when they are experiencing anxiety or stress? (I am currently awaiting blood test results)

16-11-11, 10:31
I know this is old but I have the same isssues!!
Except it is my arms as well! It has driven me into a major panic about cancer and bone cancer. I am so worried I can't sleep or function. It has been going on for a week but I am too scared to do anything.

How did it turn out for you?