View Full Version : 15 days in. Woke up panicking upset

16-08-11, 14:55
Been on 20mg cit for 15 days now with no side affects. Yesterday i worked a nightshift and felt ok normal . I got in at 7am feeling ok and went to sleep. Then I woke at 10am very panicky and upset. Took me half an hour to calm down. I haven't been like this for a few weeks and it's one of the reasons I went to the doctors.
I just feel I'm back to square one again??? And I'm doubting if this is the correct medication now.
Has anyone else had similar experiences. I feel like I've wasted the last 2 weeks taking cit???
Feel confused, I just want to feel ok again.
I'm back at the doctors on later in the week for a review.

16-08-11, 18:18
Don't judge about the medication efectiveness just from a single 'incident'. It needs more time to do its work, meanwhile there could be such unpleasant happenings but you shouldn't give up. Wait at least a month before considering whether it's the right medicine/dose or not. Good luck!

19-08-11, 15:13
My PA's came to a peak between 2-4 weeks into cit. Then very slowly I started to recover, it's tough at first but cit does seem to work longer term.

19-08-11, 19:03
I would stick with it, my meds took about a month to do anything, I felt horrible at first, but much better when they started to work. In the end it was well worth the wait.:)

19-08-11, 23:31
Unfortunately most of us still have "bad days" but they seem to become fewer as the cit starts to work :)

20-08-11, 10:52
Day 20 today. I went to the doctors yesterday who gave me another prescription for 20mg cit.and another review in 2 weeks!
She said she may increase the dose if there is no real improvement.

20-08-11, 11:00
How you feeling now?

I am not too bad stil hate the nerves in the tummy of a morning. I am on 40mg. I think the reason it's taking longer for me is I have a couple of wines in the evening don't think that helps. I am going to try and stop it and maybe just have a couple of a weekend.

Good luck.

Cathy xx :)

20-08-11, 13:54
I know it's early days but there is a slight improvement.(apart from on Tuesday when I was as bad as ever). I've stopped drinking alcohol all together for the time being.
The mornings are the worst , it can take a few hours to feel ok. I usually start to feel ok mid afternoon. I've also just started taking cit in the mornings.

20-08-11, 15:51
yes mid afternoon for me to. I always take mine in the morning. It does sound as if it is starting to work for you.

Cathy x

20-08-11, 19:48
Absolutely normal, my mornings were awful too. I am feeling ok afternoon-evening. I asked my Dr. and most of the people experience the same thing.

20-08-11, 23:10
Same here, mornings are the worst time, at least we improve as the day goes on :)