View Full Version : Feeling strange after relaxing

16-08-11, 16:21
I know this may sound strange because we are all told to relax, or learn to, but I have a very strange feeling after relaxing or resting even.

Feel all spaced out, light headed and weird.

Does anybody else feel this?:shrug:

16-08-11, 20:52
I quite often feel like this if i'm not 'actively relaxing', and by that I mean relaxing while meditating, or keeping in mind that I have symptoms.

If I just sit down and do nothing or watch TV, I find that I become very aware of certain feelings or sensations (the normal ones related to anxiety) without having already prepared myself to feel them. They then catch me unawares and the spin cycle of the mind begins!

16-08-11, 21:03
maybe your blood pressure drops a bit lower ..that can make you feel spaced out ....just get up slowly after resting or meditating .....:)

17-08-11, 06:09
ok,ive had this also. it seems as though, when i'm relaxing i am more aware of my feelings. when i am moving around, it's like my mind is too occupied to worry. at the same time, though, if i do too much, i become overwhelmed.