View Full Version : So i have just got back from my appointment!

16-08-11, 16:25
I have been told from the councellor that theres nothing more she can do. She said because i am so convinced there is something wrong with me that anything she says for me to try wont make a difference, so she suggests i go to the doctors and actually really ask and make a fuss about wanting some tests done.

Like i can do that, everytime i have been to the doctors in the past they just shrug me off and make me feel daft, like im wasting there time. All they wanna do is put me on tablets but the thing is i really need reasurrance. I just feel like giving up. Im sick of been stuck in the house 24/7and been a useless mam to my kids.

I cant do anything and theres noone that understands me.

Noone believes that i struggle to breathe all the time. I just cant get it into my head that anxiety can make my chest wheezy and make me feel breathless and i just cant relax. I know there is something wrong with me.

What else can i do. Im at my wits end. I cant even walk a shirt distance like 3 doors away from mine without feeling like i cant breathe and i start to panic like i need help.

Fed up. :(

16-08-11, 16:29
I get like this too at times, it feels as if there's something wrong like i can't breathe as if i have asthma or something! All tight and closed up in my throat and chest...
I've found that breathing exercises help and also i've been seeing a hypnotherapist who has given me some tools in stopping this feeling, it doesn't work all the time but i have found it to be beneficial!
But if you're really worried, try and see more than one doctor and keep asking.. cry if you need to if you feel as though they really are not listening... Some doctors can be horrid, but there are some nice ones out there!
Hope you're ok x

16-08-11, 16:33
Hi Sarah,

So sorry to hear you're fed up. It is frustrating isn't it.
If it would really put your mind at rest I would def see another doctor, even at another surgery. If they give you the same opinion then you know it's just the anxiety.
Anxiety is a horrible thing, we don't know what is real or imagined.

You're not a useless Mom. All kids need is love & I am sure you have given them just that.

I hope you feel better hun. Keep your chin up.

Emily xxx

16-08-11, 16:55
I really, really feel for you. I am going through something similar. I have a number of symptoms that have plagued me for a long time. I still don't feel that the docs have gotten to the bottom of what's really wrong. And sometimes, when I feel sick, I figure, why bother even going to the doctor's for help? They just see me as a hypochondriac or an annoyance, anyway. I never know what to do. It's sort of a "damned if you do / damned if you don't" situation.

As a fellow mom, I hear what you're saying about just wanting to get past this and focus on being a good mother. When I worry about my health, it affects every apsect of my life, and I am not the wife, mother or worker that I know I could be without all this anxiety and fear.

Also, I've had chest tightness before where I feel like my lungs are closing up. It is awful to feel like you can't breathe. I am really sorry for what you're going through. I do think anxiety can cause this sensation. So can many treatable conditions, like asthma and allergies.

Have any of your doctors ordered lung function tests? They should at least do that before they tell you it's essentially all in your head. I'm not saying it is anything serious at all, but you deserve to have your concerns addressed so you can get peace of mind. There are some more tests I should probably have for my issues, too. And I dread the thought. But I hate living my life feeling sick and wondering. It's a crappy situation to be in. =(

16-08-11, 17:44
im really sorry she said that to be honest id try and find some one else they will be some one who you click with and will be able to help you. even though ive had all the tests and there fine i still cant get my head round it my councellor is really surpportive with me.

have you ever bought a peak flow montior so you could recored it and take it to the g as proof of when you feel out of breath or wheezey you can buy them at the chemist

16-08-11, 18:12
Sarah I can identify with your breathing issues, I have had them all, chest tightness, shortness of breath, asthma type symptoms etc and yes they are all anxiety symptoms.
The wanting reassurance is also anxiety.
Anxiety is a defence mechanism and that is what it is trying to do be it inappropriate. Now people on this site always talk about getting rid of their anxiety, that is not a possibility as it is an intrinsic part of our defence system. Lessening the reponse or sensitivity is the goal.
My experience shows that doctors are not that helpful, what is helpful is using the tools that you possess yourself. Without seeing you I am having to guess but I expect with what you describe that you are chronically hyperventilating. That means even at rest your breathing rate is elevated to probably 14-20 plus breaths a minute. This is not a problem in itself but shows an hyper vigilant state of anxiety. hyperventilation is know to be the basis behind all panic attacks
This is what I suggest, you are probably like I was in that suddenly changing your breathing rate will bring on further anxiety and panic. So use Dr Weeks proven method,
1) face up to your anxiety issues and do not look for any other reasons for your problems
2) acceptance, let the breathing issues be there without tensing or fighting or even complain about them. Just let them be there without resistance. This will stop the adrenaline out pouring that is keeping these symptoms going.
3) float through, when walking imagine your floating, observe your breathing and just relax mentally. Nothing will happen to you, you may feel a little light headed or your vision may be a bit blurry but that's just the hyperventilation.
4) don't try and fix it quick, it takes time, slow but sure, small steps
When walking start small and use a MP3 player to distract your mind
During the day to calm the anxiety and eventually the breathing start some guided meditation twice a day, listen to some light enjoyable music for an hour a day but nothing with a loud beat. The music I suggest would be like Celtic Woman, Il Divo, Katherine Jenkins. The main thing is to stop focusing so much on your breathing as what we resist persists.

16-08-11, 18:57

If your anxiety symptoms are preventing you from carrying out your daily activities then maybe a referral to an Occupational Therapist would be a good idea. An OT would work with you to increase your independance in you day to day activities. eg a goal you may set together may be to walk to the local shop and back. An OT would work with you to build up your confidence and tolerance and thereby acheive your goal.

Its just a suggestion - I work in OT and am half way through training to be one - if you want any more info - just ask

Take care x

16-08-11, 19:33
Thankyou very much for all your comments and advice. :)

17-08-11, 05:17
i have same thing atm..its awfull and i myself cant do house work or yard work ..or ever walk much without being so out of breath i have to set every few steps to catch my breathe ..iam a 32 yr old female from usa..i know how u feel hun ...do u have fast heart rate ???when this happens or does this happen all day cause mine last allday