View Full Version : Symptoms geting in the way of work =(

16-08-11, 17:07
I seriously hate when my symptoms get in the way of normal life. I know there are people who have it worse off, so please forgive me for venting. But I am just so frustrated.

I've had digestive issues for years --- primarily gas (sorry for the TMI.) Sometimes the gas makes noise moving around inside me. I've tried pretty much every type of natural digestive remedy and now I am working with a doctor to try to get to the bottom of this (no pun intended.)

Sometimes I'll think I'm doing better, and then I have a bad day...or week...or month...etc.

Today I was supposed to have two back-to-back meetings at work. Well, before the meetings, my noisy gut started acting up. Basically, gurgling, gassy sounds. Nothing too terrible that you'd care much about at home, but definitely not something I like to deal with in quiet meetings. I was so fed up, I left work saying my daughter was sick and I had to pick her up from school. OMG, I hate doing that!!! I like my job. I don't want to miss meetings and make up excuses. That is not the "real me." I'll do all my work at home, but I'd rather be in the office with everyone else. Sometimes I am at my wit's end with these embarrassing symptoms. I just don't know what else to do. I just didn't have the energy to face it today. Sometimes I do, but today I just had to escape it. It sucks. Anyone have any similar experiences?