View Full Version : Worst Attack had ever - Now on Beta Blockers as well as 20mg Cit

16-08-11, 17:23
Hi there,

I had the worst attack I have ever had on Sunday night, I had to call the Dr out at 4am Monday Morning. He monitored me and then gave me 5mg of Diazapam to help me sleep.
I have now been prescribed Beta-blockers to help with the symptoms and they seem to be working, I just wondered if anyone else has them and if so do they make you sleepy, as I have been falling a sleep at work today!!:-(
My condition gets worse and worse though so something had to be done I guess

Stephie xx

18-08-11, 18:24
hiya, I had beta blockers for panic and they helped a great deal. I was feeling tired all the time though and when i went back to the dr he said they do tend to make you sleepy. x

18-08-11, 23:33
5mg diazepam. Lucky you. I used to be on 40mg plus anafranil each day at one point.

Now down to 7.5 mg diaz a day and no beta blockers.

Guess what? were both still alive and kicking.

Get into CBT and off the meds as soon as you can my friend. Benzodiazepenes are for short term use only and are very addictive.

You will beat this once you believe that you can.,

I did a long time ago now i have to do withdrawal slowly from the meds - which is harder..

20-08-11, 02:26
Hi stephie

I was on beta-blockers (Propranolol) for a while and fortunately didn't have any side effects. Everyone reacts differently, so you still might get used to them as your body adjusts. Just give it a bit of time and see how you go.

Tyke :)

20-08-11, 21:11
...hello...i've just joined...first message...after 6 months now of panic attacks...each one getting worse it seems...& i had my worst last week...& just two days started on beta blockers...i've yet to have the tired effects...though...only my second day...it's good to read these messages...& find this...as i really felt on my own...thanx for posting...& just reading this kinda makes me feel not so out on my own with this...thanx...vince

21-08-11, 23:52
Hi my husband is on beta blockers beacuse of his heart disease and amongst his cocktail of drugs he takes an ssri drug fluxotine, the beta blocker can make you tired, we were told because it stops your heart beating to fast and over working it creates a tightness in robs chest if he exerts himself too much, that means that the drugs is working!!

Please do not worry too much,

23-08-11, 16:53
I'm on these too and at first I felt the sleepiness but it wore off. It seems to have come back again but I've had a bad week and haven't eaten properly which I think makes the drugs seem more potent (may just be in my head though!). They have been good for me as they have taken the edge off the panic. Just need to use them to my advantage now and get out there and fight the panic attacks :)

24-08-11, 13:18
Hi All,

Many thanks for your comments, they have really helped put my mind at ease. I am on to my 8th day of taking them now and things seem to be going ok!! I have had the sleepiness but I can handle that.....the only issue I have now is can I never drink alcohol until I stop taking them?! I don't want to drink a lot, but just be able to have a few glasses of wine a couple night caps at the odd party?

26-08-11, 18:53
I have just been prescribed beeta blockers its only second day on them haven't beenn feeling tired but after about an hour of taking them I can really feel my heart beating it feels like it going to come out of my throat an makes me coff !! Has anybody else had this??????