View Full Version : feel physically weak

16-08-11, 17:55
all my body hurts. everywere. its not good. today ive sat at my desk doing college work for 4 hours. watched some tele, played wii sports for 30 mins or so, had a quick 5 min shower, did some lunch etc. but im worried again about a dvt.

16-08-11, 18:05
my last thing is . i get occosional pain in and around nose and weird feeling in forhead. i also feel funny things in ear. worried this will affect my breathing if something is stuck up there (only worried as they wwere talking about it on chat) and now im worried lol. also have a part of gum which stings and feels scratched and pain in tooth if touched

16-08-11, 18:14

I hope i don't come accross as mean but i promise it's not my intention to but can i ask what age you are?

Whan i was in my teens, my HA was through the roof. Every ache and pain i had, i thought it was something fatal. I'll be 40 come January and i'm still alive and kicking and had no serious illness. My point is, i spent all those years worrying about my health when i could be having fun ect. You're way too young to be going through all this without treatment. Are you having any type of treatment? CPN...Psycologist ect?

If not of the above then i would strongly advise you to ask your GP to refer you because you have your whole life ahead of you and at the moment you're spending most of that time fearing illness. Don't waste your life hun, go get some help.


16-08-11, 18:19

I hope i don't come accross as mean but i promise it's not my intention to but can i ask what age you are?

Whan i was in my teens, my HA was through the roof. Every ache and pain i had, i thought it was something fatal. I'll be 40 come January and i'm still alive and kicking and had no serious illness. My point is, i spent all those years worrying about my health when i could be having fun ect. You're way too young to be going through all this without treatment. Are you having any type of treatment? CPN...Psycologist ect?

If not of the above then i would strongly advise you to ask your GP to refer you because you have your whole life ahead of you and at the moment you're spending most of that time fearing illness. Don't waste your life hun, go get some help.


I am 17 years old- nearly 18. Im just so young and i do feel like this is wasting my teen years. I am still on the waiting list how ever im making a GP app tommorow and i have to bring the anxiety up as well. my parents have actually laughed im my face before when i mention anxiety. also last week my nan said "stop eating the peaches- youve had to much fruit and youll get a tummy ache" then her voice went all sarcasctic and she went "then youll proberly think ur ill" do people not realise how much it hurts my feelings? making me feel like this isnt a real problem and im just being "silly" as my parents said

16-08-11, 18:33
EXACT same age i was hun.

Thing is...At that age, our bodies go through sheer hell to put it bluntly lol. Not just for females but for males too. Our bones are growing which can cause little niggles (growing pains). Us gals have periods and all the hormonal stuff that goes along with it. Our bodies are transforming for a teenagers body into an adults and not everyone sails through puberty. I'm not saying 'that' is your problem but it all the little niggles, the aches, the pains, the tiredness, the discharge, it's all part of your body developing and yes, it can be pretty scary at times because we don't understand exactly why we feel the way we do.

You have absolutely nothing to worry about. Definately let your GP know how you have been feeling. A good idea would be to write a little list of all the symptoms that are worrying you and i am more than sure he/she can put your mind at rest. Defo see about the anxiety too hun because the sooner we nip it in the bud, the better things will become for you.

Please try not to worry..