View Full Version : Not helping myself

09-05-06, 14:58
hi i have been on here before i have had panic attacks for years on and off and i don't go out much i have read everytning i need to do to help myself but i am feeling i am really letting myself down i have tried stopping smoking but i seem to be smoking more and i have been drinking more alcohol than i should i know the excusse is it helps me relax but really it makes me feel worse in the morning and i know its not helping me get my self better every day i say i am going to sort myself out i know i can get out more if i tried and beat these panic attacks and i anxiety i did it once before has any one else been like this love marg

marie ross
09-05-06, 16:07
Hi Marg,

I'm in exactly the same situation, i've been suffering from panic disorder for a few years now, and its a struggle to cope with leaving the house. I too rely on alcohol more so than usual, i'll have a few glasses of wine (and the rest!!!) at night because i know i'll go to sleep without feeling anxious and panicky. But in the morning i feel terrible and i know its not the right thing to do. I've done it before, gave up drinking full stop and started exercising and i felt brilliant. I'm going to give myself a kick up the backside and try and get back on track. I hope you can to.

Marie XXX

P.S. Could'nt give up smoking if i tried, funny thing is i smoke more when i'm on this site!!!!!!!

09-05-06, 17:47
hello there! dont be so hard on yourself marg! I suffer with anxiety and panic and now sodding depression! (as if having the others wasn't enough ha ha) I know what its like to know that somthing isnt good for you but being unable to stop! its hard and you will do it when you feel good and ready! there will come a time when you will reach the point where you will think i cant carry on like this i've got to change! I have just stopped drinking! (crikey) I was more of what you would call a binge drinker, like when i was out with friends I would just drink vodka like water, I felt so full of confidence and "normal" ( if there is such a thing) and then bang!! nerves wrecked for a month panic, anxiety, agraphobia you name it! drink puts me back to square one, I cant even have a couple and it makes me ill! you know you can do it, its just a bloody drag trying tc x


10-05-06, 00:56
Hi Marg,I dont drink but am a smoker and dont go out unless absolutley have to.Its so easy to say tomorrow Im gonna beat this.The reality is not so easy,I often think Im going to go to shop,but soon change my mind then give myself a hard time for not doing it.
Try not to be so hard on yourself.

10-05-06, 12:56

I stopped drinking again recently but replaced it with smoking which I gave up 2 months ago. How stupid eh!? But I can tell you that, apart from today (which is a blip that I won't allow to take hold of me!) I am feeling much, much better, and I know that's because I've cut out my nightly half bottle of wine.

i know you get stuck in a rut with the drinking though and it DOES feel nice to have several hours of feeling 'normal' every night, but then BAM! panic stations at 3 or 4 or 5 in the morning and it's back to square one.

Shiv x