View Full Version : thick phlegm,sore throat and dry mouth

16-08-11, 19:19
hi guys,

i aint posted for a while but something is bothering me and i just wondered if any of you feel these symptoms.

i get

sore throat( on and off not constant)
dry mouth like my tongue feels it is sticking to my mouth roof
thick phlegm and feel the need to clear throat
horrible metalic taste in my mouth

i suffer with acid reflux and have done for 12 months or so i was on omeprazole 20mg i never experienced such a long period of these symptoms before tho. the gp has given me antihistimines,nasal sprays and told me to do a sinus riinse and now i am on antibiotics and a new ppi. but it will not go away.

the phlegm is a particlar problem just after eating or drinking and at night when i try to sleep. i wake up with a very dry throat and i clear my throat several times daily

has anyone else experienced this,my doc doesnt seem concerned enough to refer to ent and hes checked all my glands and hes happy they are ok. i had a full blood test 1 month ago and no abnormalities were showing.

i am worried mainly that this could be something terrible like throat cancer or cancer of the esophegous :(

any advice would be great


16-08-11, 19:31
Hi Mike:)
honest dont think it is cancer ........not the symptoms at all ..so dont worry about that please. know how that is our first thought though :mad:

wondering if it is a side effect of your meds .......or post nasal drip which is particularly bothersome at night .............or dehydration if forgetting to keep fluids up . do you smoke ? cos when I did it happened a lot .
it may be worth seeing doctor to rule out infection as well .
I get this a lot though and hate it .........keep sipping water and steamy bath before bed helps to loosen the throat phlegm .
take care x

17-08-11, 20:12

thanks for the reply...... no i dont smoke which is really good. its so easy to just put everything down to cancer. the symptoms are so horrible and it does get me down to be honest.

i have tried steam inhalation,cough meds,olbas oil. nothing does anything.

considering going back to docs again tmoro. they will send me for a referal o ent n have cameras down my nose,the thought of tht scares me :(

oh well just have to keep my fingers crossed it sorts itself out x

Gemma T
17-08-11, 20:26
I agree. Does not sound like cancer. Maybe a food intolerance. Can happen as we get older? Im thinking phelgm goes hand in hand with milk, butter and cheese x x x