View Full Version : Head is going to pop!

09-05-06, 15:31
Can anyone help me with this. I have never suffered a panic attack but
have anxiety and depression.

It feel like my head is about to pop. My ears feel like there is a pressure, like when flying. My head also feels as though its been punched and my brain fells as if it is swimming. Obviously the anx and dep affect my functioning and my thinking. I also have a horrible metallic taste in my mouth.

09-05-06, 15:38
Yes they all sound like classic anxiety symptoms,and maybe a touch of sinus trouble as well which can also be affected by anxiety,never heard of anyones head actually popping though :) so im sure you will be ok, its just such a horrible feeling and i found that as with tension headaches simple painkillers dont help in fact if you take too many over a few days they can actually make you worse.

I just want my life back

09-05-06, 18:37
Funnily enough (well it's not funny actually lol!) I have this today too... I feel like I might be getting a migraine but it's not quite like my usual pre-migraine feeling...

Yes, it is tension/anxiety I'm sure and not a very nice symptom!!! I think it is because the weather is humid...

Hope you feel better soon xxxxx

Fee xxxxxx

Why live life anticipating the bad things when you could be anticipating the good?
Good and bad things WILL happen!

11-05-06, 17:16
hiya dela....i have it constantly 24/7...ive had it 2 years and my ears havnt popped in that time either and its very frustrating....just to let u know its not harmful and your not alone.

Take good care..
Casstella :D