View Full Version : struggling to come to terms with whats happened in my beautiful island :(

16-08-11, 19:27
hi, i know theres nothing anyone can really do, and im sure most people have heard what happened in jersey on sunday. but i just cant get my head around what happened. its causing awful nightmares to the point i woke up at 2am this morn and threw up.
we have never had a murder to the extent that 6 people were brutally stabbed. ive lived here all my life and its very sheltered. all the details are emerging and its getting worse and worse :( i drove passed there yesterday and i just couldnt help but stare! im so upset that 6 people lost their lives in such a way, but having 3 kids myself its hit me hard. the youngest one was my sons age 18 months. as more and more details come out, people are finding out that they were friends, or friends of friends :( everyone is extremely distressd over here right now.
apart from avoiding the papers/news/facebook can anyone give me any advice on how i could stopping being so anxious anbout this?:weep:

16-08-11, 19:52
Dreena ..........I am so sorry about this ..read it in the papers .
how to not be anxious ? I truly dont know Dreena ......dreadful awful tragedy .
and evil .
You belong to a close group of islanders who will support each other I have no doubt ..........talk about it is my advice though I may be wrong .......you will not be able to avoid the news ,reporters etc ...............and you have already heard the worst Dreena . ...........remember this is very rare thank god .
I am sure you all will get some solace in helping the extended family from Poland.....the living bereaved need your resources now .
What struck me was the fact he had overdosed recently and been discharged the following day .........happens too often and was a tragedy of huge proportions waiting to happen .

hug you family Dreena .....love them ........but dont let this get you into a spiral of despair .....otherwise he has got another victim .
lots of thought to you all on Jersey .and you mostly tonight xxxxx