View Full Version : Health anxiety is consuming me!

16-08-11, 21:02
Hi I'm Jacob 21 and have anxiety about my health which is really starting to affect me.

I started to get some physical symptoms a while ago and now my anxiety has started to get out of control. It all started with a persistant headache I had for over week a couple of months ago. After this I started to get some muscle spasms which really started to freak me out. This prompted me to make a doctors appt. Without much of a physical exam he prescribed me some amitriptyline to relax my muscles.

Although it helped a bit and the reassurance helped for a brief period of time the symptoms remained. In my curious state I went to the internet to try and see what was wrong. Typed syymptoms into Google and....BOOM cue panick and terror.

Since then I have convinced myself that I have a brain tumour and motor neuron disease and god knows what else and its all I can think about.

I just find it hard to accept that all my symptoms headache, muscle twitching, ringing in the ears, weird taste in my mouth and the occasional mispronunciation of a word could all be down to anxiety and stress?!?!?!


16-08-11, 21:18
I just find it hard to accept that all my symptoms headache, muscle twitching, ringing in the ears, weird taste in my mouth and the occasional mispronunciation of a word could all be down to anxiety and stress?!?!?!


Hey dude

I can assure you that anxiety can cause all of those symptoms and many, many more.

I can also assure you that googling symptoms is about the worst thing you can possibly do!!! :shades: Just stop it totally, 100% and for good right now, it'll only cause you more anxiety, I promise.

If you have a symptom that causes you concern then go see a Doctor, and when he tells you you're fine then do everything you possibly can to believe him.

Has there been any stress in your life recently (even going back a few months before the symptoms started) that could have triggered you to become anxious or feel more stressed that usual?

16-08-11, 21:32
Never ever consult Dr Google, that was your error mate. The Internet is full of good information but also full of rubbish. You should never just look at symptoms, a doctor dosent. He will take a history first, then examine you and then order tests. When all of this information is collated and with his many years experience then and only then will he make an informed decision.
Anxiety yes can cause your symptoms but do not allow it to control you. Take back control of your life and never ever contact Dr Google again for a consult ha ha.
Take care

17-08-11, 08:12
Yeah I think I've learnt my lesson with dr.google. If feel the need for the internet now ill use this site instead

I have had a lot going on recently I've started a new job and moved in with my girlfriend as well. Also my friends dad and one of my dads closest friends both recently passed away because of brain tumours and its such a terrible thing.

Maybe this has put some thoughts in my head which are now embedded there. When I try and think rationally I'm ok but then the 'what if' thoughts creep in and the anxiety takes over again.

17-08-11, 12:31
Hi MaJestic,

I am the same about brains lol!!!
I stopped myself googling about a month ago & my anxiety is not half as bad anymore. I think if someone close to you dies of something & you have health anxiety, a part of you is always going to develop their symptoms. Health anxiety is a horrible thing & a lot of the symptoms do mimic diseases so I do understand, but rest assured - it is just that swine anxiety trying to get us!

I hope you feel better.

Emily xxx

17-08-11, 12:45
Dr Google is the worse thing I have ever done. It has robbed me over 2 months and counting of my life and ruined my rationale thought processes. Try not to do it anymore, it will inhibit your ability to recover. Regardless of what your body does, reading something on the internet cannot make you qualified to diagnose what is going on. If your Dr is not concerned then you should not be, they are qualified professionals and you should try and trust there judgement.

19-08-11, 07:25

Ask yourself " Why do we need doctors if we have Google"? well the reason is that Google is a search engine searching for the letters and words you type. Doctors go through at least three years of intense training and then gain plenty of practical experience up. They also are accountable and if they miss symptoms or make a bad diagnosis then it goes on there file.

Doctors or nothing. I get friends and family asking me , I have this symptom, I have that symptom, I have a pain in my ear. I know they are after reassurance which is why we Google symptoms. We get the total opposite of reassurance, we get assurance that something is wrong and only we know that, YES?

When my friends tell me about the aches and pains they have I tell them I am not a doctor and if they feel worried then visit there own doctor who they feel happy with. Guess what, Nothing is found wrong with them. We live in times of high stress with money worries and increased mental illness. It was so much easier when all we had to worry about was our next meal.

Trust me your title is correct, "Health anxiety" is consuming you and that is all!!

Take care. Try meditation!!


10-01-16, 11:21
Hi guys this is my first post I've looked at a lot of the articles on here but found the courage to join and post. My anxiety first started 3 years ago when my 7 week old baby was admitted to hospital at this time I also found a lump on my breast and my husband had 2 planned non serious operations - I found 2 lumps in the space of six months and this kicked off the need to constantly check myself sometimes up to 10 times a day leaving myself sore and bruised under the skin, numerous visits to the Dr and she picked up something wasn't quite right and asked me what I'm afraid of and the answers simple my mom died suddenly at 50 ny fear is I will die young and my 3 children will be left without a mom - my current anxiety attack started in October no real reason I just felt myself feeling a bit edgy and it spiraled was sick every morning churning upset tummy felt shaking and on edge stomach pains all over all id had previous was a cold which had caused some breast pain - anyway Dr was pretty sure it was all anxiety related but reffered me for bloods and an ultra sound - panic ensured as I was convinced something was wrong scan day came and I was told everything was fine althou I have polysystic overies (I new this thou) however my bloods came back with stars against them my liver function was raised and was my sedimentaion rate so repeat bloods were necessary - also a stool sample too - all this is happening at beginibg of December my fear I wud get bad news at Xmas as that wen we always have a tough time, my stool sample came back positive for blood so had to repeat it and of course google just tells u its one cancer or another anyway second sample cane back fine and so did bloods however I'm still getting pressure headache initally they were at the back of my head base of neck and felt like someone was pushing my head down had them most days but didn take any medication, the pain would move around my head be at the top or on the one side, a good friend of mine said she experienced the same when her anxiety flaires up, I'm still having these pressure pains now on top of head maybe only 3 finger tips in size but occasional shooting pains and pain over one eye I've now convinced myself I mist have a brain tumor my hands feel wobbly at tomes althou if u hold my hands out they don't move I feel shakey light headed some times too - I have a busy life work part time and have three children aged 9 7 3 the older 2 argue constantly and spend my life playing referee so stress is present in my life, I've just started seeing a counsiller who has asked me to keep a diary but its these pressure headache that are concerning me is it just anxiety? Any comments welcome xx