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09-05-06, 16:12
A while ago i took up mountain biking again and went out one sunday with a friend.

after returning a couple if days later i noticed a cold dull pain from my inner thigh (crotch area) down to my knee kap.. as it was also making my left testicle hurt also i put it down to the saddle and muscle strain is we did a fair few miles and im not used to it.

as the pain persisted for a day or so i had a soak in the bath as and noticed some red 'rub' marks on my inner thigh. i concluded they were from my shots/underware rubbing and all related to this cycling..

unfortunatly these red marks wont go. no matter what. i have tried all sorts. on hot days towards the end i can feel them and they itch slightly.

the leg pain occasional reappears but its going with time yet im stuck with this like rash (if you can call it that) im conviced i have some infection, STD (tho i not done anything) or desise....

can anyone point out whats going on.. ?? i remeber on hot summer days getting thies as a kid.. but they would go after a few days of talc treatment etc and my mum said it was thrush.. tho i dont think men get that..

Please help

09-05-06, 16:17
Hi Alex,

Have you tried things like sudocrem this is very good for irritations and rashes, it sounds as if it could be due to something rubbing whilst you were cycling.

On another note it is possible for men to get thrush, so maybe if you are worried about this you should see your doctor.

Take care
Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

09-05-06, 16:19
you know us men.. if its medical we worry rather than going to GP.

i think that fules the anxiety

10-05-06, 12:34
Do TRY and go to your gp Alex just to put your mind at rest. It may well be thrush or some other skin complaint that you just irritated by being out on the bike.

Shiv x

10-05-06, 18:38
sounds like a groin strain, and as for the rash sounds like a bit of a heat rash from sweat and perhaps a bit of rubbing, i dont think it would be thrush in that area, it would tend to be in the area of your scrotum and thrush in men is not that common, just wash area and dry as normal and if you want to you could apply some barrier cream but you need to rub it in well.

I just want my life back

10-05-06, 23:34
Hi it could be a fungal infection - not thrush but a skin fungal infection - the dr can prescribe an anti-fungal treatment for it. They are common in that area as it has the right environment for 'yeast' to flourish. Do try and see the GP as they can give you peace of mind and treat it.


'This too will pass'

19-05-06, 16:48
i been putting it off coz i not noticed it for a bit but my groin strain type ache started hurting this morning and now the rash has gone sore and a lil itchy (dunno if im noticing it coz of the leg pain)

i will buy some sudocrem on way home.. see if that does awt.. if not i will force my self to go docs.

19-05-06, 16:49
also worred that the left testical hurts also again - some how all seems linked ?!?! i know its a delicate area but :S

19-05-06, 23:00
Please go see your doctor and put your mind at ease, I'm sure its something very simple and you can get the right thing to help clear it all up.


'This too will pass'

19-05-06, 23:15
hi you really should go docs they see things like this every day no need to worry go and put your mind at rest.xxxlet us know

jools xx

22-05-06, 11:45
I used some sudacrem as suggested by tracy. seems to be easing it tho that could be in my head. if it aint cleared in a week (as stated on the tin) ill go docs and let you know..


09-06-06, 12:52

rash thing almost gone.. used some hydrocortisone/fungal cream

been to docs with the leg/lower abdoman ache. as well as one testicle on right side is tender/aching.

also noticed same testicle feels firmer (no lumps)

the doc has refered me for an ultrasound as she thinks i may have testicular cancer.

i will update once i been.

not doing my anxiety any good. :(((((

09-06-06, 12:57
Ah Alex, glad the rash is sorted anyhow. Will be thinking of you, try and keep positive I know its hard but just keep believing - lots of hugs and positive thoughts coming your way.

Take care

'This too will pass'

09-06-06, 12:58
Oh Alex i bet its not doing your anxiety any good! How long have you got to wait for the ultrasound? Do let us know how it went. Hopefully you did something to the leg muscle while out on that bike ride. And the abdominal ache is unrelated. Fingers crossed [:X]

Pete to win Big Brother! He is Daddy Fantastic with pants made of elastic!

marie ross
09-06-06, 18:35
Hi Alex,

I hope that everything goes well for you, i really do. I hope that you don't have to wait to long for your ultrasound. I shall be keeping my fingers and toes crossed for you!!!.

Take care.

Marie XXX

20-07-06, 16:22
Hi Guys, just an update..

i went for my ultrasound last week and all came back clear. just think its an infection. was a long time waiting to go but its all done and i feel alot of weight has been lifted from my shoulders.

thanks for the support

marie ross
20-07-06, 16:24
Hi Alex,

Thats brilliant news!! Really glad that everything came back clear. Hope that the wait for the scan did'nt drive you too mad!!!

Take care.

Marie XXX

20-07-06, 16:28
worried me silly.. :( fankooo