View Full Version : Embarassed to be posting yet another 'heart' worry but...

16-08-11, 21:29
Hey all. I know my posting theme is mostly cardiac related but I figured it's probably best airing my concerns on here rather than directing them to Dr Google!

I've had this issue for ages now but it seems to be worse lately and although i've never thought of it as a cardiac symptom before, my current state of mind has told me that "maybe it is"...

Basically, on some occasions when i get up, sit down quickly, pick something up which is quite heavy (ie my 4 month old or 3 year old!) take a large swig of cola I get this sudden pressure/fullness is my chest and throat which lasts a few seconds.. there is pain too but it's quite bareable. If I could think of a reason other than my heart straining under the pressure i'd be able to put my mind at rest but I genuinely can't think of what could be causing this? Anyone get this or have any ideas what it could be?

Cheers all :) xx

16-08-11, 21:34
sounds like indigestion/reflux to me

16-08-11, 21:46
I can see how it might be? it's the the fact that it occurs when I lift stuff or sit down, I just don't get that? Definitely should have gone to medical school...

16-08-11, 21:52
it sounds like refluex your babys still quiet young and when we are pregnant it weakens your stomach muscle that keeps your tummy shut when the baby gets bigger the more ressure it puts on your tummy. it will go back to normal as the further postpartum you are my lo is nearly 17 months and i hardly get it now just every now and then x

16-08-11, 23:04
Thanks - saves calling the cardiologist at this hour ;) x

17-08-11, 09:22
have you started your cbt yet? xx

17-08-11, 18:39
Yes, had one session and feeling very positive. It's the structure I think I needed. Now lots of goals and measurable ourcomes. Just up my street and something I can really get stuck in to. Second session tomorrow and I can't wait. Pm me if you want any more info :-) x

17-08-11, 18:57
glad your enjoying it and hope it helps im a coule of sessions ahead of you and finding mine really positive to x