View Full Version : Has anyone had a perforated eardrum?

16-08-11, 23:20
The doctor said i have this in my right ear and is causing sinusitis... but i also get TERRIBLE vertigo i was wondering if anyone else has had this it is so scary!

16-08-11, 23:22
My nan did yes.

It can be treated can't it?

16-08-11, 23:52
The doctors who i have been to have been useless! they didn't even tell me i had one until i asked if my ears were ok and they said i had a perferated eardrum... i think honestly thats where all my vertigo has come from....
do you know if she had dizziness?

16-08-11, 23:58
Not that I know of. She just went practically deaf in that ear.

They couldn't operate or anything as she was 95.

They actually perforated it syringing her ears out so it was all their fault in the first place.

16-08-11, 23:59
Oh thats terrible!

17-08-11, 00:22
Yeah bless her.

I hope you get yours sorted out though

17-08-11, 08:41
My son has just had a perforated eardrum he had an ear infection which causes dizziness etc and the pressure of the infection causes it to burst but you should have antibiotics the eardrum should heal on it's own the tablets are to clear up infection but you should have it checked again to make sure it's healed don't worry it is very common x

17-08-11, 08:43

My mother-in-law has a perforated eardrum at the moment and yes she has been having lots of dizzy spells. She's also been having really bad headaches and generally feeling unwell. There's nothing they can give her to make it heal quicker but they have given her painkillers. The GP told her it takes at least 3 months to heal.

Hope that helps
K xxxx