View Full Version : results of vestibular dysfunction test :(

lucy devine
17-08-11, 03:36
Hey all...
so being the hypochondriac I am, I thought I would go for my results today and for them to send me home saying nothing was wrong with me and that the test results were fine....wrong!
I was told today that I have some inflamation problem in my nose causing my nose airways to be closed...which does explain the constant feeling of a blocked nose and inability to breathe through my nose. This apparently is having a knock on effect with my inner ear causing me to have dizziness and tinnitus. I've been put on meds and spray and told that if that doesn't solve the problem that I will have to have an operation.
I haven't been able to stop thinking about it since...I asked him can this nose issue cause breathing difficulties and he said yes as it prevents you from breathing from your nose. This REALLY scared me as I am very preoccupied with my breathing and always feel like I can't breathe and that I'm going to stop breathing.
This has now made me question whether my breathing difficulties (shallow breathing sometimes, having to take deep breathes, feeling like i'm not breathing properly etc) is caused by a physical illness rather than the anxiety i've been told it is for years. I was just almost accepting the breathing thing as anxiety and WHAM i'm back to square one :(
Can anyone offer me any advice? I'm worried now that I don't have anxiety and that it is all caused by a physical illness, which is scaring me very much.

17-08-11, 10:26
I would think that the breathing is 99% anxiety as everyone on here can relate and we have normal noses:) . Having a blocked nose all the time you will be mouth breathing I assume and this can dry out your throat which can make it feel odd but your description is so perfect for anxiety.

My friend had polyps in her nose that blocked it - is this your problem or did he not specify the inflammation??? She has had a number of ops to remove them over the years and yes she had ear problems as well , lots of infection in and outer ear. She uses nasal sprays constantly to reduce the recurrence of the polyps.

I have posted about yukky med test I am having to have so totally appreciate your terror at thought of having an op.

17-08-11, 14:19
Hey all...
so being the hypochondriac I am, I thought I would go for my results today and for them to send me home saying nothing was wrong with me and that the test results were fine....wrong!
I was told today that I have some inflamation problem in my nose causing my nose airways to be closed...which does explain the constant feeling of a blocked nose and inability to breathe through my nose. This apparently is having a knock on effect with my inner ear causing me to have dizziness and tinnitus. I've been put on meds and spray and told that if that doesn't solve the problem that I will have to have an operation.
I haven't been able to stop thinking about it since...I asked him can this nose issue cause breathing difficulties and he said yes as it prevents you from breathing from your nose. This REALLY scared me as I am very preoccupied with my breathing and always feel like I can't breathe and that I'm going to stop breathing.
This has now made me question whether my breathing difficulties (shallow breathing sometimes, having to take deep breathes, feeling like i'm not breathing properly etc) is caused by a physical illness rather than the anxiety i've been told it is for years. I was just almost accepting the breathing thing as anxiety and WHAM i'm back to square one :(
Can anyone offer me any advice? I'm worried now that I don't have anxiety and that it is all caused by a physical illness, which is scaring me very much.

Hi there,
Sorry to hear you are suffering so bad, i can sympathise as the worst symptom i experience is dizzyness i am dizzy 24/7 and have been for the last 2 and a half years. i also have the breathing issue, but mine is caused by anxiety, i know this as they come and go. I also have M.E and this has caused me to be bedridden, i have an occupational therepist, who visits me at home weekly, she suggested speaking to my GP about having vestibular function testing, i spoke to me gp, but at the moment i am so unwell, i doubt i would manage to get to an appt, i live in a rural area so it would be quite a distance for me to travel and i feel i just am not up to that yet.

Please could you tell me what happened during the test and what to expect, from the proceedures they do. do they make you dizzyer, as that scares me, but if i knew what to expect, i could prepare myself better for when i eventually have to go

Thanks in advance
Kate xx