View Full Version : (Men)opause ? or menopause? Or does anyone else sweat Like This???

17-08-11, 04:44
Hi everybody,
I have been here for almost six years and posted a gazzion times about this but never really got a good answer nor someone else that says " hey i have that" I used to think when first getting this that it wa because we were in a dyer climate and higher altitude but I really wasnt sure of that. Now we are in a sea level climate tropical and feel the same. My wife and I both ge this and its very annoying and unnerving. When we have the air condition on we sweat on our bodies under our hair on our chest. My wife really feels uncomfortable with it. I really dont understand this feeling as I cant find anything anywhere about what it is. I would think it would be from high humidity but when we experience it mostly is when the humidity is low or high but when its inbetween its berable. It feels like there is moisture all over your body but when you touch where you are sweating there is no moisture but then we know we are sweating because everyday when we change our sheets you can smell the sweat. Im really curious about this and would love to know if anyone else has exactly what we are desribing. According to sources there are a few thinge known to cause this,HIV pretty sure we dont have that,low blood sugar ,pretty sure we dont have that,heart attack,not sure we dont have that but pretty sure.Low blood oxygen,not sure we dont have that or the biggy,menopause....hmmm could both of us have this? anyone? anyone? im all ears

17-08-11, 20:49
Ah, come on somebody?

17-08-11, 21:30
Cant help you mate, dont have air conditioning here, just heating, its bloody freezing in the UK.

18-08-11, 03:05
Havent found anyone here in six years that feels this. My wife and I must have a rare disease......