View Full Version : Vertigo? Dizziness? Help???

17-08-11, 08:05
Today I have woke up feeling more dizzy than usual usually I am just off balance but today the room has actually been spinning quite a lot and it's making me quite nauseous. Help, what is this?

paula lynne
17-08-11, 10:22
Hi there.x
Have you had a cold/do you suffer with hayfever/allergies? Could be one of these.
Vertigo and dizzyness is also affected by the menstrual cycle, and can increase dramatically before a period. Also, being stressed out and anxious can increase the severity of dizzyness. If it continues more than a day of two, Id suggest having a chat with your GP. I know its scary, vertigo is my worst symptom, but try to get on with your day as best you can. Nothing wrong with holding onto the walls for support, I do it all the time. I hope you feel better soon, take care, Paula x:)

17-08-11, 11:54
Thanks Paula
I haven't had anything, it's just come out of nowhere, I woke up with it in the night and panicked a bit but went back to sleep and woke up and it's still there and I also feel weak, nervous, tingly in places, tight headache and more, I've had these for like 2 weeks but only the vertigo today sigh :{

19-08-11, 06:00
Thanks Paula
I haven't had anything, it's just come out of nowhere, I woke up with it in the night and panicked a bit but went back to sleep and woke up and it's still there and I also feel weak, nervous, tingly in places, tight headache and more, I've had these for like 2 weeks but only the vertigo today sigh :{

Hi ..... well, I am the same! This is awful! I also woke up with everything you have, plus this bad off balance thing .... I've had it since June 28th...somedays are better than others, but it's always there ... it makes me so frightened and nervous .... I am afraid of waking up now .... mine just came out of nowhere too .... I do hope you feel better soon ..