View Full Version : Worried - Is it daydreaming or more serious??

17-08-11, 08:52
Hi guys
I am getting really paranoid as lately I find myself wondering off in thought, only for split seconds and feel I have had a black out or something? had a minor car incident a few weeks ago, but it all happened so quick and don't think it was my fault, but wonder if I kind of blacked out or something for a second? I can be driving and seem to be in a world of my own!! I know I have an awful lot on my mind and always thinking ahead of what needs doing etc, but now I am paranoid maybe its not just my mind in overdrive...this probably doesn't make sense!!
It feels like I am kind of daydreaming, maybe its just my mind escaping for a few mins? Or is it a brain tumour or other illness or me being paranoid....again.
please help am i losing the plot....or just kids holidays driving me mad x

17-08-11, 12:15
It sounds completely normal to me, thinking about things and planning ahead is the sign of a healthy mind not an unhealthy one. Remember some of the greatest minds in history would sit there and let their thoughts wander :)

17-08-11, 12:37
I do that all the time.....people can be talking to me & I'm just sat there staring into space with my own thoughts.
We must all be bloody geniuses!!!

Emily xxx