View Full Version : waking up with a headache

17-08-11, 09:32
This morning I woke up with quite a headache felt like my head was aching and throbbing all over and I can honestly say its not through drink or anything what is this?

17-08-11, 10:40
Speaking from personal experience, when I wake up with a headache it is normally a couple of things.

Firstly, a lot of the time it is due to a neck problem. It doesn't have to be major or anything, it can just take a pinched nerve in order to give a headache. Sometimes the way in which we sleep can be a reason.

Secondly, as an Anxiety sufferer, sleep is sometimes difficult to get when it's time for bed no matter how tired we feel during the day. Therefore when we do eventually drop off, it can be into a deep sleep at the wrong time etc., which can also cause a headache.

Just because we're asleep it doesn't mean we're relaxed.


17-08-11, 16:59
Hello horse, thank you very much for your reply you gave some really useful information. I was completely exhausted last night, perhaps I got into a deep sleep.