View Full Version : Fish oils gave me anxiety - help

17-08-11, 09:40
I started taking 2 regular fish oils a day and after a week I started to get waves of adrenalin, I didn't think it was from the fish oil, I carried on taking it and I have had the worst 3 days of anxiety and panic and all the symptoms. I took the last one yesterday and today I am still really bad, how long will this side effect last and has anyone else experienced it? Help I'm freaking out

17-08-11, 11:06
Never heard of it causing that ..Probably a coincidence tbh ..T/c Sue x

17-08-11, 11:17
Ive just read a few things about this ..It appears it can cause anxiety if you are getting too much of it .Remember the body also produces its own vit D with exposure to sunlight and ordinary food contains it too .So it looks like you have had an overdose for it to cause this ..Dont know how long it will take for you to feel better but shouldnt be too long imo ..T/c luv Sue x

17-08-11, 11:49
If they were the cause and you've stopped taking them I would imagine as suzie-sue says you should start to feel better pretty soon. In the meantime be easy on yourself, take it one step at a time. Probably keep hydrated too, help flush anything through.