View Full Version : Trying not to let this take over...again!

17-08-11, 09:53
Hi everyone!
I feel a bit silly, but I basically need some reassurance yet again :wacko:

I'm a 22yr old girl and i've had the most intense two weeks ever, My boyfriend and I broke up and on the same day I found out i'd got a new job in London (far from where i live now!) So I have to try and find somewhere to live whilst at the same time manically trying to finish my dissertation for my Masters and not completely fall to pieces about my ex-boyfriend!

And to add to this in the last few days my headaches have returned :weep: When my anxiety was really bad about a year ago I had the exact same headaches for weeks on end and was terrified that I had a brain tumour! I went to my lovely GP about 8billion times, he could tell I was worried and gave me every blood test under the sun, even specifically saying that these tests would 'rule out anything nasty like a brain tumour' - and they came back clear!!

But now my whole life seems scary and uncertain and I can't shake the fear that these headaches are something really bad! They're the same as before: it hurts at my temples and my jaw and the back of my head, and I have some really tender spots on my neck that when i massage them it seems to radiate to my head. And they seem to be worse in the morning which Dr Google tells me is very bad!!

I'm sorry for the ultimate essay, it's just I don't really have anyone to talk about this stuff to anymore. Any help would be greatly appreciated!! thanks a lot xXx

17-08-11, 12:01
Crikey you are going through a bad period, with stress from the break up and the thoughts of a new job. With regards to your anxiety at the moment the first thing I would say is even the strongest of people would be set back by these kinds of things, so don't be too hard on yourself, feeling anxious because of your situation is in no way wrong. Try and remember that you've been down the road of checking your headache symptoms before and they came back all clear (and you're still here to tell the story). It is probably worth seeing your GP however if you need some help with the anxiety. With things like relationship break ups, time is a good healer, I know that's an old cliche but as you move on it will hurt less.

Taking a new job is a huge step into the unknown, and we all worry about these things, the fact is however 99% of life changes like this work out well, no matter how scary at the beginning. It could well be just the exact right timing in some ways - a new start and new chapter in your life.

17-08-11, 12:17
Hi there,

This is my first post since joining this forum, I have been monitoring it for some time. I have been experiencing similar issues with my health myself, in fact my anxiety has become so bad that between physical symptoms that i feel and the devil that is Dr Google, I have managed to convince myself that I have VCJD.

However during the 7 weeks that I have been experiencing the symptoms associated with anxiety I have come to realise that my thoughts more than anything else are what scares me. As such, and you are probably already heard this, I have done my utmost to distract myself. For me that has meant pouring myself into work, I have a very high pressure job and as such it has been a good distraction for me, the symptoms have not disapated but my intrusive thoughts have. It sounds to me that your thoughts are causing you more problems than anything else.

I have a very understanding GP, and they have presribed me 30mg a day of MIRITAZAPINE, this is normally used to treat depression but is also well known for being able to treat obsessional thoughts. I did not find that it helped for the first 3 or so weeks, however have now noticed a large difference in my mood. Maybe you could discuss this?

Hope that you find a way to get out of the hole you are in. Chin up!!

17-08-11, 12:24
Hi kittenface,
I am sorry to hear you broke up with your boyfriend xxx

No wonder you are getting nasty headaches - it's a stressful time you're going through.
I always get these horrible headaches when I am anxious & they last for weeks. Please try not to worry, the more you worry the longer they will stay. It's all caused by tension.

Congrats on the new job by the way, maybe you can make this your focus!

Emily xxx

17-08-11, 18:09
Hi Kittenface

You have been through so much its no wonder your anxiety is raising it's head again. Any period of change can set off my HA,even positive changes! Your headache sounds like a tension headache which would be very understandable in these circumstances!

Feel better soon

Kinnygirl x

17-08-11, 22:29
Sounds like you are having a very hectic time at the minute! I understand how you feel though I have recently just started a new job and moved. Its a stress overload! Don't worry you're not alone!

Just try and focus on the positives in no time at all you will be settling into a new job and be entering an exciting new chapter in your life. Even of it seems scary now!

Good luck and take care!