View Full Version : Massive achievement for bottleblond

17-08-11, 10:27
My agoraphobic mate went on the bus today and its been years since she has plucked up the courage to do it.

Its a massive achievement to anyone with agora, so i just want to say a huge WELL DONE :yahoo::yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:

I am so proud of you :bighug1:

di xxxxx

17-08-11, 11:04
Well done Lisa :yahoo:..Thats some achievement ..So proud of you ...Luv Sue xxxx:hugs::hugs:

17-08-11, 12:02
well done your winning god bless

dont pay your fair next time blame them meds lol

17-08-11, 12:09
Well done :)

macc noodle
17-08-11, 12:42
Congrats bottleblond - onward and upward - living proof that we can conquer our problems - an inspiration to us all with our different struggles.


Macc Noodle

17-08-11, 12:46
Well done BB no e :yahoo:

Fantastic mate and so proud of you:yesyes:

17-08-11, 12:47
Well done matey poos! Bus to London-shire next for you ;)


17-08-11, 12:48
Well done Lisa, this is brilliant news! xxx

17-08-11, 12:52
That's amazing....well done!!!
Damn I love success stories xxx

paula lynne
17-08-11, 13:00
Well done Lisa! :cloud9: Been there, done that, know how hard it is......you GO girl, keep doing it! Treat yourself today! x:bighug1:

17-08-11, 13:47
Well Done. Well Done XXXXX and Well done again XXXXXXX:hugs:

eternally optimistic
17-08-11, 14:25

Onwards to the next thing Lisa.

17-08-11, 15:04
well done :D

17-08-11, 15:21

Lmao Di and thank you so much!!

Thank you so much to all you lovely people.

OK.....I'm going to rub it in now. Now only did i get the bus there and back. First time i have been on a bus for years and years but i also took a walk with my cpn accross to the hospital and UP THE STAIRS (well away from my confort zone) to the Psycology department because i am starting a course there next month of 'mindfilness'.

Whilst i was in the hospital, i noticed they had a mini fruit and veg stall with loads of local grown produce so after i went back to the health centre with Julie and we finished our conflaberation, I grabbed the mothership and wandered back over to the hospital to buy some stuff.
I had a great wee time to myself. Jongs, well seen i don't get out very often!. :roflmao:

Thank you all for your lovely words
Love Lisa

p.s Di...i did wonder why people were texting me saying well done. :doh:

17-08-11, 16:59
Well Done Lisa!!!!!! xxxxxx

17-08-11, 17:57
http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/36/36_1_32v.gif (http://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb001_ZJxdm890YYgb)

Yay great stuff Lisa.

a http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/36/36_1_67.gif (http://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb001_ZJxdm890YYgb) from me and maybe a http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/12/12_4_3.gif (http://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb001_ZJxdm890YYgb) or two......

from Emma and Ted

http://www.smileycentral.com/sig.jsp?pc=ZSzeb098&pp=ZJxdm890YYgb (http://www.smileycentral.com/dl/index.jhtml?partner=ZSzeb098_ZJxdm890YYgb&utm_id=7926)

17-08-11, 18:03
what a wonderful achievement Lisa :)

well done you ..............:flowers::flowers:


Hazel B
17-08-11, 19:31
Well done, you should be very proud of yourself!

:yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes:

17-08-11, 21:12
Thank you all so much :hugs: xxx

eight days a week
17-08-11, 21:18
Fantastic news Lisa, well done you :yahoo:

I was going to spout something about small acorns and all that, but that wasn't an acorn that's already a frickin' oak!!

(As an added bonus, I don't suppose there was a chap on the bus called Donald, who'd forgotten to completely dress before he went out??!)

17-08-11, 21:23
(As an added bonus, I don't suppose there was a chap on the bus called Donald, who'd forgotten to completely dress before he went out??!)

Yes there was... BB still recognised me though :lac:

17-08-11, 21:25
Well done Lisa.....you should be so very proud of yourself for such a fantastic achievement and milestone.......many congrats.xxxx:yesyes:

eight days a week
17-08-11, 21:27
Yes there was... BB still recognised me though :lac:

Donald, is that you??? :scared15:

Not wearing troosers on the bus is NOT the disguise to use when Lisa's around - she'll spot you a mile away :busted:

17-08-11, 21:29
well done mate, ill have you on that train to mine before long xxx


17-08-11, 21:29
Donald, is that you??? :scared15:

Not wearing troosers on the bus is NOT the disguise to use when Lisa's around - she'll spot you a mile away :busted:

Will try just a thong next time :shades:

17-08-11, 21:31
La La La La La

Donald weres your trooooooooosers

Gawd i can still hear BB singing it :roflmao:

17-08-11, 21:33
Please don't encourage her Bootsie :whistles:

17-08-11, 21:36
Oh yeah!

hang on while i delete that bit, if she sees it she will be on the phone again with her singing head on :wacko:

17-08-11, 21:43
Oh she's high as a kite tonight so wise idea Miss Bootsie :D

You should see the filth and depravity she texted me today tsk

17-08-11, 21:45
MM i can imagine

Bet she did a rendition of "The Wheels on the bus go roond and roond too"

17-08-11, 21:49
Yeah - while she was starkers and "hoovering" :roflmao:

eight days a week
17-08-11, 21:49
Will try just a thong next time :shades:

Well I'd say it's probably better than nothing on public transport!! :roflmao:

17-08-11, 21:56

Ya bunch of bloody loons!!!

Sadly..All men on the bus were fully clothed, about 20 years my senior, reeking of a combination of Brute and moth balls and sporting casual brogues. Well both of them were anyway :winks:

I have a new song i shall sing to you all at the next interlude and it's called 'ye cannae shove yir granny aff the bus'!!

'Oh ye cannae shove yer granny aff the bus, ye cannae shove yer granny aff the bus, oh ye cannae shove yer granny coz she's yer mammy's mammy, oh ye cannae shove yer granny aff the bus. Singing aye aye yippy yippy yiy.....................


17-08-11, 21:58
Can't wait :scared15:

17-08-11, 21:59
Eight days and MM...I shall have to put you both over me knee and take me slipper to you's. :dribble:

17-08-11, 22:00
Can't wait :scared15:

You will rue the day dear Bootsie. :shades:

17-08-11, 22:01
Lordy J Corbett help us :ohmy:

Ummm, me first BB :w00t2:

17-08-11, 22:04
Yip diddly dip hell yeah MM!!!! :winks:

18-08-11, 14:29
You sure this is the same BB that joined us years ago ............... :ohmy:

Well done Lisa. You are doing excellent.



ps Please dont encourage BB to sing :(

19-08-11, 12:54
:yesyes:Congrats, Lisa - well done:yesyes: and remember you can shove yir ither Granny aff a bus.......lol xxxx