View Full Version : Obsessive thoughts x

17-08-11, 10:54
Hi I'm sorry if this posts upsets or anything in sorry I'm a mess at the moment.

So it all started after watching paranomsl activity 2 might I had up untill this film I've never had a fear of things like this or Anything. My husband went away the day after watching this film and I'm nervous on a night anyway but I developed a fear of a ghost/ demon killing ne. This carried on untill my husband came back. The fear subsided when he got back. However he has now gone away again for 5 weeks and I'm a mess. The week leading up to him going inwas feeling insecure and my thoughts running away with me. He left Sunday and I've hardly slept all I can think about is a demon coming to get me. Inthen did the dreaded GOOGLING and now I'm scared by having obsessive thoughts about abdomen in my house I may have called one. I don't no what to believe or what to do when I fell asleep thinmorning the dream was about abdomen. The doctor told me itsnobsessive thoughts (OCD) I don't no and hoping someone can relatenor help ne.
In trying to get in touch with my vicar had the thoughts are making me think in actually going in sane xx

Please help if u can but please don't scare me xx

17-08-11, 12:39

You're not going insane..it's common to think about things that you've watched. I thought the thing out The Grudge was going to get me for weeks after I watched it!!

The only advice I can give you is to rationalise with yourself & not let your thoughts run away with you. You probably never even thought about a demon until you watched the film.

Emily xxx

17-08-11, 13:29
Emily thank u so much and u are right i never did untill the film x
I rang my local reverend and I'm now going to start reading bible I think I no it might sound strange but she helped me so much she explained thins to me and i feel sonmuch better about my thoughts etc xx

17-08-11, 14:01
I'm so glad! xxx

17-08-11, 20:39
Honey, I've seen that film and quite enjoyed it. Now listen to me, there are no such things as ghosts, demons, sprites, fairies, santa claus etc. etc.

They are imaginery things created by humans because for some reason we like to scare other other.

Think about the film and think about the actors rehearsing, the camera crew standing in front of them as they filmed. Deconstruct the whole thing until it loses its fears.

I will say it again. There is no paranormal world out there, just the power of the human mind. We live in the here and now and that is so boring that film makers and writers have to spice it up a bit with totally made up things :hugs:

17-08-11, 22:11
oooo i understand, i cannot watch scary films they disturb me for days aftter!
BUT they are not real, and its just your imagination running wild, there is nothing to be afraid of, nothing is going to come get you!
i also do what rosi suggested when im scared of a film, i imagine the cast and camera crew etc etc x

18-08-11, 01:09
i was scared of the exorcist when i watched it at a young age, just think happy thoughts and maybe speak to your gp about it xx and in life we are all a little insane but that makes us human :D

18-08-11, 23:45
Hi guys thank u for your help means slot.
So still no better last night so slept at friends had 2 hours sleep that's it. Went to doctors he is lovley but wouldn't listen to me as such just prescribed sleeping pulls that I won't take snd he nos it lol I have come to my friends house 5 hours away. Still not feeling greT tbh and still scared. Worse Cos I've never believed in this so y am I now losing the plot over it? I'm starting to worry seriously about my mental health I can't are the light at end of tunnel on this one good old gooing has made sure of that!!

I don't no what to do I'm trying to do what u say about film but googling as made things worse cant understand my own mind why this freaking ne out soo much

19-08-11, 00:09
So google good things. Ya know, puppies and babies and angels etc. Set your focus elsewhere and change your own outcome. Watch a few comedies or love stories, read a good book and not a scary one :P! It is just a movie and not at all remotely close to actual events that have ever taken place. It is perfectly normal to be afraid and that is why I don't watch scary movies anymore because they make me nervous.

Silly as it sounds, try to rationalize the situation. When was the last time you heard of anyone in real life being tortured by a demon? If you have googled someone that claims they have, well they are CRAZY and you are not! Your home is a very safe place. I used to live in front of a cemetery and at first it scared me until one day my mother said to me "it isn't the dead you need to be worried about". Changed my whole outlook and I finally allowed myself to be happy in my very secure home.

Search for some positive things. Rather than running away from your home, invite folks over so you can adjust to being there and realize that nothing is going to happen to you. I'm sure you have friends or family you could tell that you are scared being alone and they will come help you out. Face your fears head on and remember the old saying the only thing to fear is fear itself! Remember how safe your home felt when your hubby was there? It is still the same place.

19-08-11, 00:48
Went to doctors he is lovley but wouldn't listen to me as such just prescribed sleeping pulls

Blimey I have been trying to get some of them for over 6 years and they refuse to give me any cos they want me to learn to sleep naturally.

Not sure whether my doc is right or yours in this case

I have seen both part 1 and 2 of those films and they are a bit freaky but they are NOT real life. If you are prone to reacting to these sort of things please don't watch them.

19-08-11, 01:28
Nicola this is what's bothering ne I never used to be bothered wasn't after first so why the second? I'm staying at my friends now cos I need sleep I have 5 and 3 yr old and spent a week of not sleeping. Still not slept but nice knowing I for support and my kids will be cared forbid I panic. My Nate doesn't like them however someone told ne once u can watch how it was made and I refused thinking oh no it will scare me but talking to my friend we decided tmoz I'm PFC to see the padre for reassurance and we are going to watch how it was made. Hoping seeing exactly how it was done using special effects etc will help stop the images of terror I'm seei f at the moment put it thisway can't make it worse can it lol xx I'm scared in cracking up and also that the amount of fear I have will cause me to have heart attack. I've cried and cried about it all.

I only believe in god and never ever believed in demons etc so why now?
Got to be the film so I'm going to see if watching how it was made will help me. Xx

05-01-12, 05:39
I'm freaking out over the same film! It makes me feel MAD - like I'm going to be possessed/wake up mad in the night and hurt my family, or suddenly "turn" in the daytime and bite someone, like she does in the film. WHY DID I WATCH IT! It's the "maddest" thought I've ever had, and makes me feel that I'm losing the plot. Anyone got any other advice on this one.