View Full Version : fed up with myself

17-08-11, 11:34
i now have been looking at photos of myself and convinced myself that one eye looks redder than the other so have been taking photos of myself to see if my eyes look different on them, cos of my tinnitus, having a brain tumour seems the only answer. In the last 3 months i have left a good job, moved twice, the last to australia 12000 miles away from my two eldest kids have found a new house furnished it whilst working in a bank full time, i think im going to explode, i have hardly any friends here i cant stop crying i just need to vent to someone im sorry :weep:

17-08-11, 11:45
Sorry to hear that - you're a amongst friends here and talking about problems is usually a great help. It sounds like you're going through quite a bad patch, have you spoken to your GP about it?

As for the red eye, it is not unusual to have one eye slightly different than the other, the blood vessels are different in each eye, and to put your mind at rest tinnitus is quite common. I notice tinnitus at night sometimes if I have a cold and have been blowing my nose a lot, or if I've listened to some loud music. However if you are feeling quite low at the moment these things can seem quite major.

17-08-11, 11:50
thank you for replying im just sooooo fed up thinking awful things why cant i think positvely instead? xxx

17-08-11, 12:27
Hey libby,

Don't beat yourself up - it's very hard to think positively when you feel so low. We can but try though, we have to!

You have a friend in me hun, always here for a chat.
I hope you feel better.

Emiy xxx

17-08-11, 13:27
thank you emily
just want one day where my ears dont click or ring and i dont feel like theres no light at the end of the tunnel, years ago my dr said to me i wouldnt die of anything apart from worry, i dont think hes wrong there xx

17-08-11, 14:18
Oh don't we all.
Funny thing is my parents are so laid back! I am such a stresshead lol xxx