View Full Version : postive feed back on citalopram needed

17-08-11, 19:21
I started taking citalopram 3 weeks on thursday 18th,i started taking it as my anxiety and depression ,the doctor told me that i might feel worse before i felt better on 20 mls,well the feelings were awful,sweating.anxiety attacks,but started to get through it......and then a few days ago i had feelings of terror which do pass but come out of the blue im thinking of asking the doctor to reduce them to 10 ml ,any help will be so valuable,but im very vunerable so need kidd gloves at the moment:unsure:x

17-08-11, 19:25
Hi Danielle

Starting anti depressents can be a really scary thing.

Read the Citalopram Guide that is a sticky in this section of the forum.

It has loads of useful and sensible info, i found it a godsend when starting meds

good luck


18-08-11, 12:08
It's really tough going for the first month, try to stick with 20mg and allow the anxiety attacks space to happen without trying to fight them. They will pass and you will start to recover. Citalopram does work in the longer term, used alongside CBT and regular exercise you can make a full recovery.