View Full Version : WORST feeling ever.

Piscian Daydreamer
09-05-06, 19:10
I'm so sorry everyone, i feel that i am letting myself down by coming back on here to tell you all i'm so depressed.

Last week, you all supported me over my feelings for that girl, and when i made my move found out she has a boyfriend,,, so that was the end.

I've been trying to put a brave face on the situation, but i've been feeling so awful, so depressed, so anxious all week, i don't know where else to go.
After i got the knock back, i thought i could put this behind me, but i havent been able to, in fact, i feel worse because all of my hope has gone. Now, its like this girl has become an icon of my depression, when i see her in class across the room etc, it gives me a complete sick feeling.... i still have feelings for this girl and i cannot seem to wipe her from my mind even though i just want to forget about her completely. The truth is, her prescence is haunting me, and i'm still feeling so depressed.

Ive been feeling so empty for a long long time and feel i have nothing to look forward to. I only go to uni for 2 days a week, the other 5 are spent contemplating my depression. I have tried to get involved with stuff but have failed, hanging with mates doesn't give me any comfort anymore and its unlikely i will be able to get a job until the summer time - i just have nothing to make me happy at weekends, ive lost all enjoyment in the things i used to like.

I'm going to the doctors tomorow but i know that nothing will be solved. He'll tell me to carry on taking the fluoxetine BUT THE DRUGS JUST DON'T WORK????????????????????????? What else can i do to make myself, just feel,,, happy????
I'm going to ask for counselling, but the doctor might not agree that this is the solution.

I feel so so awful.

09-05-06, 19:21
I know how rough it must have been to have made such a brave move and to have had your feelings hurt but be proud of yourself for putting yourself out there. We all have to do it to try and find the right person. Yours will come around, I promise. Get involved in things you are interested in to keep your mind occupied. If you think counseling will help do it. I don't know how long you have been on the meds but if it has only been for a short time, it does take time for them to kick in. If it has been for awhile, maybe these meds aren't the right ones for you. It took awhile until I found the right one for me. Hang in there!


Piscian Daydreamer
09-05-06, 19:29
Thanks so much Belle for taking the time to listen to me.

Talking with you lot definitely helps, my msn email is made__in__england@hotmail.com (2 underscores between each word not one) if anyone wants to talk. I would like to think that i'm also a good listener.

april tones
09-05-06, 21:45
Hi, ahhhh, what a shame. There will be other girls. Believe me, i know it hurts. How old are u? x

fibrochat) http://apriltones.proboards54.com

Piscian Daydreamer
10-05-06, 09:33

10-05-06, 11:28
hi there,
i know youve prob heard this before, but you are young and have so much to look forward to including lots of girls who you will believe are the love of your life! not that me saying that is going to make you feel any better at the moment when you have those emotions they are all consuming. believe me we have all had them ,someone will come along who will return your love and it will be great. try to be possitive, could you join some sort of club? or the territorial army girls love a guy in uniform look into it i really wish you love and luck xxx

jools xx

Piscian Daydreamer
10-05-06, 12:05
Thanks Jools!

I know i'm young but..................... i remember when i was just 18 and felt bad, now two years later i havent gone anywhere at all.

Life just feels so empty, i actually thought about joing the territorial army last year but they advised me not to because i was joining for the wrong reason - to fill my life for the sake of doing something rather than actually wanting to be a soldier - i know its not the answer.

Just have nothing to do at weekends now the footi season is over,,, i do want a job but working in a shop stacking shelves will not make my life any better when i don't really need the money.
As for hobbies? Sure, i have lots of hobbies and i do them regularly but theres nothing new and concrete, i'm just so bored of them and lost all passion.................


10-05-06, 12:23
Hey, chin up mate. You've got the world cup to look forward to!!! And I've got Big Brother!!!!!!!!

Things are never as bad as they seem sometimes although I understand that right now you are feeling pretty cr*p. You seem like a very nice young bloke and I promise the right person is out there somewhere.

Shiv x

10-05-06, 14:53
hi again,
i dont think many people join ta to be a soldier, cos they would join army! i think you should go along again dont tell them you wantto to fill time...it might do you the world of good...what about sea cadets? i think something like that would give you a more possitive outlook ( and there are lots of girls there too) xx good luck. here for you xx

jools xx